VALORANT12mo ago

Abnormal loading speeds on Valorant using an external HDD

When I say abnormal, I mean insanely abnormal. For reference, in the time it takes me to load into the menu, I would have already been in a match in games like Apex, Siege, RL, all games I have installed on the same external HDD. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the Riot Client fetching between my main drive where it's installed and Valorants spot on the hdd, but it is HORRIBLE. And it's not like I don't have an overkill PC for Valorant: i7 13th Gen and a 4060 My main drive is an NVME drive, but it's space constrained (Someone requested I make another ticket)
7 Replies
VANGUARD12mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Saucywan12mo ago
Please do not make another post ^
amilloOP12mo ago
No description
lyra12mo ago
make a ticket here
Jidat12mo ago
Why is he.....
amilloOP12mo ago
That's my fault. I saw "again" and thought they were referencing I make another post given it was closed and wanted to move to an open post. I wasn't trying to cause any problems if that's what you mean.
lyra12mo ago
I do understand the confusion, however he meant to create a ticket at riots official page. Hope this clarifies the confusion:BearHeart: There were just some communication errors don't worry about it:VignetteEhehe: I hope your day/night will be wonderful :BearHeart:

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