Peripheral problem

so my pc got some trouble lately, the usb slots on the back of motherboard sometime is not working so i use my additional usb slots (pcie usb card). when the usb slots on the back of motherboard still work, use them for the peripheral like mouse and keyboard, but after they didnt work i try to use the pcie one but strangely the mouse the keyboard wont work after agent selection or when the match start and resulting me to afk, but outside valorant i can use the mouse and keyboard on pcie without any problem. is that the work of the anti cheat to prevent me using other usb slots rather than the motherboard one? thank you in advance
2 Replies
lyra12mo ago
the anti cheat vanguard only allows for one mouse input, however for keyboards I'm pretty sure multiple should be accepted I'm not 100% sure on the keyboard tho
ChopStickWarriorOP12mo ago
hhmm interesting, i might try to check that again, thanks

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