VALORANT12mo ago

Caught a Radiant 4 stacking with irons

So I played a swiftplay and I got queue'd against a radiant. After the match I sent him a friend request to see if I could sometimes ask him questions if I ever struggle with improving something specific, as I didn't have a person for that yet. He said yes and he accepted my friend request and all fun and games, but then I look at his match history, specifically his ranked history, and I see that he has a long match history of 4-stacking with only irons this act. He clearly didn't get to radiant in a legit way. Is this something worth reporting or should I just mind my own business? Not naming any names.
4 Replies
lyra12mo ago
Hello, You should definitely report this to Riot! They are abusing the five stacking system to gain a higher rank and that makes it unfair for other players who got up the rank ladder in a legitimate way. You can report the player here; https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select the request type to “report a player” Hope this helped :BearHeart: / lyra
XycmosOP12mo ago
Very well, I shall report it to riot. Thank you
yaz12mo ago
zace12mo ago
LMFAOOO that’s crazy bro deadass

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