not able to join any games
I have installed valo rant just yesterday and enter the basic training range (tutorial) after that when I entered my first game this showed up I can’t even join my first game ( my internet works fine and I haven’t logged anywhere else )

28 Replies
I have also uninstalled the game
The problem still continues
"The game has lost connection. Please relaunch the client to restore connectivity"
Do u get that error evrytime u try to start a match?
Yeah even if it’s the training area or a match
I haven’t been able to get in a single game yet
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
I have already tried these methods but I’ll try again with restarting the router
After my laptop has connected with the internet
use the 5GHz band if possible
Then I have to restart ?
Yea okay
After restarting should I run valo administrator
also firewall is off ?
I don’t know how do I check
try this
Is it mandatory?
yep if its not opening then its IMP
My valo doesn’t open as administrator
try opening now
open from riot client
or you can reinstal no
Bruh ?
its VAL 1 bro
connection issue
not game issue
I ran valo as administrator it opened but the problem still persists
I haven’t turned of them firewall I think
It’s says val code 5 again
Add to firewall exception
Wdym ?
Ahh okay after i do that I restart my pc ?
wait also i dont think my riot vanguard is working