Valorant Wont Close
Ok So For Context , Before i opened valorant I restarted my laptop and No Apps were running , After the restart i Opened up Valorant and it look normal and I Played Team Deathmatch Suddenly 3 seconds while on queue Valorant Froze and its on Locked screen , If i even Press Alt + Tab To change Apps Valorant would still wont let me switch Windows
I even Tried to Close it By Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC AKA Task Manager But just like i said i cant Switch to That Windows #community-help

50 Replies
have you tried alt f4
The king of all keys
Bro I know that will Shutdown my Computer and it might corrupt it
It wont Close π
Try pulling out the cord
control alt delete
that is your best friend if you can do the rest
turn off your computer
then try this

to much work
just shut it down
well ig they will just need to shutdown their entire pc just to close valorant forever
or restart if you can
restart can sometimes come as a clutch
why should they need to restart their entire pc just to quit val
Uhh Not working
@Π ΡΠ³ΡΠ΅Ρ ΠΡΠΈΠ²Π΅Ρ try that should work
close your computer
and try that when its booted up again
It wont Switch to The Window

turn it off
then on
Restart ?
Are you sure it wont Corrupt my Computer !?
100% sure
Here we go
Valorants Elimanted
when your pc is on
do this
Should i try opening it again ? I am afraid
What does this do
makes val work
Last time before i open Valorant it work perfectly ( Before the problem )
okay what i want you to do
thank you
works...Thank you

solution; pc restart and prob also saucy wonderful smart text
If i get Banned from Valorant , They Will know Whats the reason...
you wont get banend
Oh Ok then whats the punishment
and if you do you can always appeal and explain what happend
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
dont worry about it
its jsut a warning

Damn who could've thought turning the pc off could close valorant π
yea ik so smart
I know it would close but I thought it would corrupt all the files
@jidat youre so nice so explain why it wouldnt
When u click the shut down/restart button by urself on the windows via alt f4 or whatevr. The computer CLOSES the running apps/files. It will always be the same. What corrupts ur files and stuff is when ur pc gets turned off involuntarily. For e.g by a power cut. That time the windows doesn't have the time to close properly which causes the issues.
thank you:val_CatBigStare: