83 Replies
says you need to restart your pc
i tried twice but nothings happening
does it still say you need to resart your pc?
and idk how to turn on secure boot
okay whats your problem
you need to turn on secure boot?
or fix this?

well both i think im not sure it was letting me start loading before but then it would say i need to turn on secure boot and now it just says that
open cmd as admin and type this command in
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
then restart your pc and this part should be fixed ^^
Why are u making them turn vbs off?
hype v off will fix the your pc needs to restart problem
Never tried it like that
i mean
ez fix plus who plays val and needs hype v
Well true
But idrk if it will fix it or not
first time trying
Why are u trying that then?
how do i turn scure boot on
bcuz it worked
press win + r and type
Its telling u to turn secure boot on?
@HavocZelix ^^
told you it would work to turn of hype v
U saw a dream about this or sum?
then what
send me a screenshot
Cuz turning it off like that was random asf
but it works
its not super random
Is he dming u the ss or sum?

open cmd again as admin abd type
shutdown /r /fw
if you cant turn on TPM bcuz its unaviable or sum you can turn of hype V instyed
windows 10
i did it but its still saying the same thing
yea i know
you need to do the command
if should restart your bios
into bios
then seend me a picture
okk 1sec
Yea ik
thats why it wroks

Go to security
And show photo

Go to boot
And show photo
Sis i was lookin for csm

Open secure boot
Do I just press on it?
And show photo

Secure boot config
This is the most useless bios screen i have ever screen
Whats even the point of putting another tab before the actual thing

disable fast boot
change secure boot mode to custom
Why :Iso_Wow:
How do I do that when I press secure boot mode nothing happens
I also have it turned on. Should i turn it off?
Secure boot mode
fast boot is useless, if u have fast boot on, it just recovers from the last state(yes, like hibernation)
startup a little bit fast but drawback is that u get problems
Like what :val_CatBigStare:
Disable secure boot and enable again
select factory keys
then save and restart
Under what?
Am i blind or sum :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
under what?
his pk keys aren't enrolled
Think I might b aswell I don't see it
Where does it give the option to select factory keys
the last option
Okay done now I just save and restart?
the problem that says u need to restart over and over again isn't caused by secure boot or tpm
i loaded onto it and it worked for a sec then said something about tpm 2.0
i got same problem
then enable it
security tab here
Do you have perms to mark solved?
I believe everyone has it
Not me😞
I pinged you in another post mark it solved
I just turn secure boot on tho
Bios isn’t that bad
no lvl 10 or OP or mods only
oh k
Just realised it wasnt working because my motherboards too old
need t downgrade to windows 10