securing boot
i need help securing boot so i can play val again
329 Replies
Then send ss
i didnt understand any of that fr
im not super computer smart
Press window+r
Press your windows key in addition to the plus button. This will open a small window
Then type msinfo32
In this window, please type “msinfo32” without the quotation marks
Send ss
how do i do that lol
Just take a clear photo from your phone
ah okay
give me a sec powing phone on

Open cmd
Press on window type cmd
shutdown /r /fw
Enter this
type it just like that
it said could not find the enviroment option that was entered
Turn off your laptop while turning it on spam delete key
ah for bios
Im in
Go to the advance mode send photo of your screen
Last time I tried to do it myself I got black screen of death lol

Click on boot or security send photo
Security then secure boot
Enable it

Disable csm
Last time I did that I got back screen and had to take a battery out of mother board
After saving and exiting
Disable csm
Then enable secure boot
I disabled it says the same message when I try to turn it on
Go to security
Then CSM
Show photo
He said last time he did it he got stuck in black screen
I said disable csm then enable secure boot same message pop up again

Open secure boot
And enable

That popped up
Press ok
Yep thats the problem
Save and exit
Let it boot into windows
Then enter bios again?
Then restart and get in the bios again
That equals black screen tho
Also show the full screen
It enables it after I restart and enable it it clear message but when I save it after I will get the black screen
Would this be easier on a call
Not rly
Show the full screen

Open csm
Then show a photo

Is that ur camera or the photography skills
Click on it and enable
Camera sadly v old andriod
Then disable again
Then go to secure boot and enable it
Still same message
Save and exit
Take risk save and exit
We can enable it back if it doesn't boot
I fixed it once maybe I can do it again lol
I saved and exited
Everything ok?
Yeah so far
Your on windows?
But if I go back to bios and turn it scure boot on now I will get black screen
Good evening
U shouldn't get any errors tbh
No errors yet I'm in windows
Just go back to bios
If you wanna play valo you have to do it
So did u get it fixed?
Not yet sadly
In bios
Enable secure boot
After enabling show a photo
It enables but if I save and exit I will get black screen
Stop being negative be positive
Show photo.

hmmmmmmmmm so how do u get off that black screen
Its not gonna happen chill
like how do u know it was a black screen? like how did u get off it before!
Click install default secure boot keys
did u force restart or like wait it out
Take out battery on mother board and wait 10mins put it back it and turn on
It’s necessary or?
ok thats not very good...
Yea it is
Without it, secure boot won't be enabled
erm maybe u should just read through all the options
all i did was click a toggle that turned secure boot on 😭
Click install default secure boot @Cinder
Press yes?
Show what its saying
jidat ur a legend 😉

Okay I pressed yes
Save and exit
Nothing looked liked it changed tho
yes thats normal
Save and exit:val_CatBigStare:
when u have secureboot on litearlly nothing changes !
and then valorant is like damn ima start being normal now
Its good for your pc security’s
like every person (including me) who has downloaded val had to turn secureboot on its so stupid
Okay ima save and exit
like valorant should just fucking deal with it ! !
Do it
then why isnt it on by default...
I have none
It was on for me
Off brand windows 10 pro
first thing i do when i get a pc or whatever is delete norton and mcafee
damn well ur one of a kind !
💀 wdym off brand\
Pirated windows
Your on window?
This entire community section thing should be renamed to first world problems
Lmao fun
I have not pressed save and exit yet
it just comes preinstalled on everything i get
Bro press
(black screen moment)
🤞🏼 lets hope not
waiting for update
Is it a custom windows?
Send msinfo 32 photo when you reached window @Cinder
No black screen
My freind codes and put it up here for me when I built it
Damn lucky
all my friends do is yap about video games
So is it custom or no?
its pirated
idk if that answers shit
It says on
Your on window?
Turn on valo
if its working fine then say "Thank you Felix"
and then boot up valorant and win dem gayms
(SOLVED) solution turn on secure boot from bios.

Turn on valo
Opening val now let's hope
💀 he know he was just tryna work out HOW to do that
Im just saying its solved now
thats a thing?
i just solve it they say ty and end of story
not working?
see this is why we dont say its solved when we havent solved it.
😠 smh
so is it working?
Its working?
he just said no
Send the photo of screen
so what is the error now, same secureboot thing?
Let me the the photo of what pops up It flashing alot
I said its working and he said no in same time
okay lets see damn thats not good

Get into the bios
that is strange
This is what was popping up before also
Then security
see if its vanguards problem
maybe just uninstall reinstall
cuz bios is annoying to fiddle with
No it isn't
Please don't interfere if u don't know what u r talking about.
In bios
Go to security
And show a photo
So here are a few things you can do
You can update windows just check everything is up to date
You can pop back into ur bios and make sure TPM 2 is on
Thats not gonna help
and UEFI
No u don't.

and u can disable VBS in windows settings
and install/reinstall
Turn intel platform trust technology to enabled
Save and exit
Okay done
U should be good now.
It should just be fixed once u make sure Secure Boot is ENBLED, not just on or whatever its called, and then check that TPM is on 😮
Huh let me check first lol
and then reinstall valorant
works every time
Fr thought I had black screen for a moment lol
why no reinstall
Cuz it will not fix anything related to this
Because thats not the solution
Opening val
real but it could fix everything
But it could be
have an open mind
if this doesnt work
and thye reinstall valorant and it works
Its gonna work
u owe me nitro
That why i said if
Its gonna work 100%
Nothing popping up yet ima wait like a couple more secs
thats not very nice
Cinder he isnt very nice is he
I think it's working
Its gonna work
your welcome 😉
I'd reccomend saying "Thanks Felix"
Van 9005
Just wanna say this thank yall so much for helping
Don't jinx it
oh 💀 i didnt see that
How can you fix it by reinstalling
yea on the val support website it has all the solutions for the codes
Erm more specifically whom (me)
Still thank yall so much and yes thank you felix
And jidat
yay ily
The reason i called jidat for help was if you get stuck on black screen im fkud up
And you would have been responsible for breaking his 21098210123 dollar pc
thats why i try limit going into bios and stuff as much as possible
reinstalling fixed 40% of problems
I really appreciate it more than you know that has been the game I have been playing alot to calm down
Van 9005 nice
How much you think this pc worth ps I'm sitting on the floor
oop lmao
well like
intel i5
16gb ram
windows 10
im guessing u made it for maybe 700 dollars
Sold my vr sound board and my ps4 to built it
damn bro
prebuilt on top
not bad
1660 super 16 gb Intel i5
On this note
what gen i5
Who wants to play val lol
1660 super is not bad thats like 300 in itslef
cant :/ school
Guess what
I got it for 120 on ebay
Turned on secure boot (reset to default secure boot settings first), turned on Intel Platform Trust Technology.
Damn it be like that
i cant mark it as a solution
right click on it and click apps and then mark solution
cuz im not important i actually dont know
right click on what
maybe because the other guy marked it as solotion alr
the message
Its solved dumbo
damn its already solved
i cant snag the solve?
You did nothing
I am aware of that
@Cinder i helped a lot right
like more than everyone else
cuz they were impatiant and mean and weirdo
lollll still thank you nontheless
yes you did lol
so did jidat
i saw that lol
So did I
smurf i think your kinda unwanted here now
oh question while im here
kinda unrealated
I will answer
just trying to figure it out
how do people get riot gun buddies i see them so often but dont know how to get them
They meet dev in games
From a riot employee in your game
u gotta befriend a mod
Look if your famous streamer dev will give you
yes pretty much
oh damn i have been playing with a former roit employee
and if ur in low elo u like never get in games iwth riot devs
But if your not a streamer and accidentally met dev in game they can give buddy
cthen u gotta be really nice and cooland be good and stuff
im hardstuck gold help me
ah damn so its pretty much all chance
You solved hes problem that guy with fried pc?
or if ur like friend is a riot dev u can beg one
english pls
The English?
only freind i have is a former roit employee
fr lolll
Wha- just happe—-
bet taht would work
litearlly whajt i said
but they dont work there anymore
either way i dont want to beg them thats mean
and v annoying
oh yea trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i thought ex riot devs were cool too
"If your not helping please leave"
oh wait no that wasnt u it was jiggy
mmhm im sure most riot devs would just wanna play on secret accoutns cuz everyone would beg for ids
any devs yall know lol
This is marked as sovled
it was a joke sonny
There are ways to hide user names
i dont blame em
a nick
It allows them to remove their riot part of their username
yes thats what i meant
i meant they wouldnt be playing on their
they still have riot in there name still
accounts taht like say
RIOT etc.
i think so but im sure if they play the game theyd just use like other accounts or hide it
Wow well done
Roit Xann is there name

Im talking about him
Hes pc got fried
what ab him
thats sad
was it bc of people on community help saying random stuff and breaking his bios (happened to me)
So you fixed hes problem or hes still in static black screen
yes it is fixed
wait idk ab that other guy
I'm confused what do you mean?
the other guy is a convo for another thread not here
I wasn't there when it was broken
you know what they need to add to channels
beg for riot gun buddy
REAL i would do that
fr everyday before you get on lol
well ima go off to play some val now and look for devs lolll
Please right click the post and press close
eh doesnt matter no one cares