tell me what iam doing wrong
2 Replies
What do I have to improve
whats ur rank
crosshair placement - keep ur crosshair on enemys head ALL THE TIME because as i can see ure just bodyshotting. Focus about where ur crosshair is and keep it higher
crosshair discipline ( kinda the same thing ) - make consistent moves with ur crosshair. Dont make it flying on ur screen. Just try to aim it between points A to B in a smooth line idk how to explain
Peeking - When ure peeking an angle make sure ure ready to peek it. Wait near a wall hidden, pre aim ur crosshair to an angle where u think enemys head would be and then peek it. Take some time. Also make sure ure peeking ONLY with "A" or "D" keys without shift. This is very important because if ure moving with "W" key enemy is going to see u way sooner and u would be a easy target for them to hit
Strafing - i can see ure trying to strafe and burst ur bullets thats really good, but try to makeur strafes wider so ure actually moving
i think thats the main things u need to focus, u can also watch woohoojin videos because they might help alot