Scam site
So my acc recently got hacked/scammed cuz of this poop link my brother gave me cuz his brain filled with poop n i trusted him so i trusted the site n provided my info n both our accs got hacked
idk if i shoudl provide link to it too anyhow i created a ticket n hope i get my acc back just leavin this here so others dont get flipped like i did

35 Replies
delete link
oki did
but yeah
i guess you figured out its a scam to get your account :KEKL:
never trustinga sibling again
theres no such things as "free skins"
maybe from big and trusted streamers, but they would raffle it in a stream :OKAY:
take care
you should be good with just opening a ticket. they should see that the email recently changed, along with the password.
they should be able to revert the changes and get your account back :SageLove:
You can report the link to Google using their safe browsing report forum and if you can find out what company hosts the site, you can use their abuse forum as well.
i hope so
ty for tellin ill
where homocide
The same happened to me . my account also got hacked . now when i am trying to login in the launcher it says i am permanently banned as they have used my account to hack . i have also submitted a ticket , can u suggest me any ways i can gather some valorant officials attention on this matter?
a ticket is the best you can do
if u try bump it or spam it can just make it worse
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery:
You can try to recover your account using the link above
This is instant
thts rlly sad , try to recover good luck
i got my acc back 💛

real or fake ?
so i have to change my code ?
you password yes
k thx
riot do not give our free skins, the only way to get free items are;
Battle pass
community challenges
Watching the VCT on twitch
And other challenges
People are falling for these scams these days damn
Evryone has lost braincells apparently
esp you
send in dm if its not banned still
You guys beefing or something?
gf bf
the link? u want?
yep need to report it ASAP
ok brb