So a few days ago when the ACT finally reset, i opened the game and out of nowhere a popup showed that i got warned for Queue Dodging. Now take note that act was newly resetted meaning i didnt even queue for any matches at that time, so because of this im currently ineligible to play or join any teams on Premier even with my account binded.
9 Replies
uh yeah
you cant play premier when youve been getting warnings or queue restrictions
for 30 days
yea thats the point
i recieved a warning when i didnt even play a single match
the ACT season literally just reset at that time
and as soon as i opened my valorant
thats unlucky then
i get warned
for absolutely no reason
any idea what the reason might be?
do you have long loading times when loading into a match?
sometimes i do but not always
if it is so long that you cant even play the first round
oh no, not really
i can catch up before the round starts during those times
maybe youve seen other people not loading into a match in the first round. whenever this happens, they arent connected to the match, you can see the empty ping then.
if you connect very late into the match, that could lead to the warnings you are recieving
the long loadingscreens are usually caused by installing valorant on a HDD as far as i know
do you have val installed on a hdd by any chance?