Okay so, my pc isnt the best like i dc a lot but i still top frag but for some odd reason i keep getting kicked and triggering the cheat system randomly or smth like it keeps ending my games and showing a message saying what's in the attachment im only trying to play with my friends but this has happened for the 4th match in a row im not cheating i never have nor ever will so i was wanting to know does anyone have a fix for this.?

139 Replies
may i ask your valorant username?
that dot makes your valorant name invalid (youre not allowed to have dots in your name)

here is a good website to check if your display name is valid or not
riotidsymbols . com
wait no
my bad
it also looks like you have broken section 7 which as lead you to a ban
open the riot client and try to start valorant
if should say for how long you will be banned
yeah whats happening is that keeps popping up
issue is
it unbans me a minute after that message pops up
i see
less than a minute
whats your specs?
No way they’re swapped error codes again
nah youre joking.
whats that
idk why its happening all of a sudden
i dont use voice chat either
and when i do
its to com
Please just uninstall and reinstall Vanguard
Got it
Normally short bans like this are because Vanguard is corrupted or out of date
istg it lit says
Error Codes in VALORANT
Something's gone awry in VALORANT? Not to worry. It's why we're here, after all. If you received an error code, chances are there's a number attached. Simply find your number to learn what it means...
"Your display name is invalid."
might be corrupted because i had to uninstall and reinstall it a week exactly ago
because it kept saying update
but wouldnt let me update and showing that error code thingy
just listen to saucy
he knows
might honestly be my pc but ive never had frame rate issues its just my pc wifi antenna disconnects a lot im currently saving up for a usb for my pc
got it
thank you
ill lyk if it fixes it
uh issue
vanguard isnt there
in my control panel
serach riot
isnted of vanguard
Then I may have found your issue
i just uninstalled it from taskbar
but now its not in control panel
What did you uninstall?
like bottom right
in the taskbar section
so uh
i uninstalled vanguard
now this pops up

and it wont let me redownload vanguard.
do i have to redownload valorant for vanguard to come back?
i tried restarting it also,.
pls help@Saucywan @lyra
sorry for ping
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
trust ive tried
The update button
the update
imma try this
For 7 minutes straight?
It has to work one day :D
wait win + r?
is win on the keyboard?
idk if im slow
Yeah the win logo
its on the keyboard??
the windows key?
that makes
thank you okay imma try rn
okay so a bunch of code and stuff popped up
want me to dm it?
Just send a photo

could it be that
why does everyone get them to send a photo of their pc specs
One sec
thank you
Convert to the gpt
Search disk management in windows search, open it and show ss
got it

Right click on disk 0 on the left side of the blue lines
Then properties
Then volumes
And show ss

Close those tabs
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
And show result
command prompt?
what else
i copy and pasted it
Show result
@Saucywan their bios has the option to switch to UEFI right?

One sec
Yes good
Let us confirm something first
No idea 👍

Lets fuck around and find out
Whats the bios key?
But do you think there's a manual???
reinstall valorant
leaves chat
REAL ! !
ima get banned soon
but trust itll work
if it wont i will kick myself
Can u stop disturbing?
any other things i should do
Open ur bios
command for it by chance
Restart ur pc and as its starting spam the del key on ur keyboard. Use ur phone to chat here cuz we will need some photos
got it
Okay done
U in the bios?
Show photo
Go to advanced
And send photo
Go to boot and show photo
Its showing UEFI in compliancy? @Saucywan
It should be in boot or security
Hm its alrdy set to UEFI?
@Saucywan @Saucywan
No that's just one of the boot options
It could mean their motherboard supports
But it also could mean nothing
Go to security and show photo
Its a 2020 model
It should have the option
@Saucywan btw why are we making it uefi?
Switching on secure boot helps
According to riot, and it helped once before
That I can remember
I don't even see the option to turn secure boot on in that shi
We shouldn't transfer it to gbt then
@Limp. Just exit the bios
got it!
im helping
@jidat We can do the other steps
I don't see how
Then open ur eyes
They are wide open
I can't see where u gave a proper solution
alr so i exited bio what next should i try
i havent yet!
So just list the things you have already done so i dont repeat them
Disable anti virus and firewall
@jidat I'm going tho
Yea i will try
Good night
let me try that rq
so limp what anti-virus software do u have
is that in settings? correct
pretty sure its in control panel
it will be in ur antivirus settings
if u use windows defender it should be in those settings
and if u use mcafee then it will be in that app too i belive
oh so virus and threat protection?
alright what next
Open it and turn real time protection off
U will also see a firewall option there. Disable it too
oh shit
it works
thank u
Lmao ggs
thank you!
But we have five more pages of solutions :(
Solution:- disable firewall and antivirus
so are they now gonna reinstall it?
It popped up now
i mean re enable it
i pressed play
imma see what next
Try re-enable it to see if that works, or in firewall settings there should be a way to "allow certain apps through the firewall"
cuz u dont want ur antivirus to be disabled
okay bet