mfad12mo ago

What are some good used suit brands?

I noticed mostly a theme of Mani’s (Armani diffusion) suits, some Yvan Saint Laurens, Ralph Lauren and a bunch of other well known luxury brands in the used market. From what I understand these listings on used sites are mostly from diffusion lines of the main brand itself with their own ups and downs (mostly downs from the forums I’ve read) That said which one out of these diffusion lines are good? I think Zegna Neumann is one of the diffusion lines that are pretty good, not to mention they produce/supply the materials of most if not all of the other diffusion lines from well known brands from what I understand
8 Replies
jfarrell46812mo ago
Put This On
This Fits: Updated eBay Suit Searches
This Fits: Updated eBay Suit Searches thisfits: Just a little housekeeping … I’ve made a few tweaks to my post...
jfarrell46812mo ago
Google Docs
StyleForum - Suit Hierachy
Master List f,Brand,Rating,Construction,Cloth,Cut or Fit (MTM),Styling & Details,RRP,Lowest Avg Sale Price ,Avg 'Ebay' Price ,RRP,Lowest Avg Sale Price ,Avg 'Ebay' Price ,Garments manufactured by (historical and present) Canvas,Lining Material (rayon or poly? etc),Handwork & Stiching,Type,Super ...
jfarrell46812mo ago
There is a lot to know about suits, and no simple answer. The stuff on eBay is not all diffusion lines, but I would say the main challenge is buying something that fits. Identifying a decent brand is easier.
Bigelow12mo ago
It depends what suit you want. Ivy style sack suit? Brooks brothers, polo RL, J Press. Slimmer Italian styles? Brioni, Kiton, Isaia, Zegna, etc. Personally I think Brooks Brothers and Polo are some of the best secondhand buys. You can get a suit for ~$100 that would cost you ~$1200 new, and they're more readily available secondhand than most other brands.
DVNOOP12mo ago
What are ure thoughts on this suit? It’s ermenegildo zegna. Just want to know ure thoughts on versatility and long term use
DVNOOP12mo ago
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Bigelow12mo ago
Pinstripe double breastfed isn't exactly what I'd recommend as a first suit A solid navy or dark gray would probably be more versatile
DVNOOP12mo ago
It’s not my first suit, this is my second one cause I realized that it’s kinda cost efficient to just get smthn used and tailor it instead of getting a suit that’s quite expensive at clothing stores only to find it being 60 percent polyester Also the color of that suit is it black? I can’t tell but it looks gray?

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