51 Replies

Aaah no
how do i fix this
i randomly disconnect
like literally
the game closes
mid game
Do u have overwolf or any other overlay applications?
valorant tracker
Delete overwolf
delete it?
or close it
i closed it and it still happens
Delete it
You can see why
It’s affecting your game
overwolf has been very buggy with val
So how was the food
You were cooking😏
ok so like
i deleted it
and its still happening
like valorant literally closes
mid game
no reaosn
Check your power usage
its always at very high
Open task manager
Disable all unnecessary programs
Update your windows
i checked for updates and updated it
Show me the program list in control panel
Any error code shows up?
Open control panel
Then uninstall programs
wdym why ?
to uninstall
i already uninstalled it
so why does he need it
now install it
we need to check the apps
for what
what apps
so we can say what app maybe causing issue
like what
cuz i have no other overlays
Why are u so hesitant?
maybe he uses hacks and dont wanna show
cuz maybe its dangerous or sum
cuz ppl asked me to show some stuff b4 and they leaked my ip afterwards
So we can leak ips by looking at ur programs?
Ok bro
how would i know
if i had hacks i wouldn't be hardstuck gold for like 4 months
i crop some of the stuff cuz it look sus
and had numbers
Btw is ur game on an hdd?
what is hdd
i delete just in case
i think so
Open ur task manager, then performance and show a ss of the whole screen
To confirm if u r using a hdd or not
Cuz 100% disk usage means a failing drive

U don't own a ssd or sum?
Might be an issue with ur hdd
Does it give u an error when it closes?
valorant just
shuts down
mid game
like i could be mid fight shooting someone
and it just closes itself
and i have to reopen it
Check ur windows event logs for s crash error