game feels laggy plz someone help

Ok so I have a 144 hz monitor and my game is set to 144hz and so is my monitor but for some reason the game feels like 60 hz and then it also does this thing where it finally feels like 144 hz but stops and goes back to feeling like it’s 60 hz I’m also getting well over 200 fps so I know fps isint a problem could someone plz help thx.
Ok so I think I found a fix I lowered my resolution to 1680 x 1080 144hz and it’s working without it feeling like 60 hz
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27 Replies
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
check fps limit in the game
Markizbad4mo ago
Yea it’s set to 150
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
turn it off set500
Markizbad4mo ago
Aight I’ll try that thx I turned it off but it’s still doing the thing
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Markizbad4mo ago
Like what gpu do I have?
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Markizbad4mo ago
Rx 6600
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
ok and when it started?
Markizbad4mo ago
The problem? It started when I first got the game like 5 days ago
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
around 5 march ?
Markizbad4mo ago
Yea that’s when I got the game for the first time it was happening ever since I donloaded it for the first time
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
maybe downgrade the GPU update and check
Markizbad4mo ago
Should I just try and delete then install the game again?
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Yes Clean install use BCUnistaller\iobit Uninstaller to uninstall the
riot client vanguard valorant
also remove the residual files if prompted to and reinstall it to c:/ drive
Markizbad4mo ago
Ok thanks a lot I’ll tell you if it worked It’s reinstalling rn
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer4mo ago
Markizbad4mo ago
Yea reinstalling it did nothing It’s still doing the same thing
im having the same problem last week, but intead of turning off the fps limit, i turn it on to 60 for everything and works great. you could try that and use higher fps like 120 or smtn hope that help
MixNix4mo ago
@Down1ow @ChopStickWarrior Have you cycled your monitors refresh rate? From 144hz to 60hz then back to 144hz? Also, are your graphic drivers fully updated?
Markizbad4mo ago
Nah I didint Yup
nah, my monitor is 60hz thats why im capping the fps to 60
Markizbad4mo ago
Ok so I think I found a fix I lowered my resolution to 1680 x 1080 144hz and it’s working without it feeling like 60 hz
MixNix4mo ago
Try raising it back to 1920x1080
Markizbad4mo ago
If I put it back to 1920 it does the thing
MixNix4mo ago
Markizbad4mo ago
Yea whatever at least it’s 144hz