valorant false ban and got amazing ans from the specialist
imagine the actual cheater didnt get banned after reporting him 10 to 15 time and the innocent get banned for no reason
Solution:Jump to solution
this ticket has been solved; van 152. usually 4 month ban or perm. Riot support has decided to not appeal the ban
have a nice day:BearHeart:...
125 Replies
what can i ask is sympathy from friends
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: can appeal it on both links
but that not fair na getting false ban
click the links
make a ticket
and appeal
i did that but after providing proof i didnt cheat they still didnt understand
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: provide match histroy their is nothing suspecious still they didnt understand vanguard is a program can do mistake they wont undersatnd
banned for 4months
wait or quit val up to you
ofcourse quit cause i dont want that shit again make me mad cause spend money and get banned
idk why they dont listen to player istead making their own drama
@lyra i canged my motherboard aprocessor and graphics card of laptop may be by it /
idk after changing it i got banned
when try login i can only see [erma ban
not that
has no affect
so i didnt get the correct reason of perma ban
as said
this is a community help forum is managed by the community so we cant appeal or know the reason of your ban
that avtar is not understanding what i am saying closing ticket every time
also idk this fps drop after every 5 min can help me tuhat too ?
can you
no asking for fixing the fps
like drop from 150 to 10 fps
im sorry what?
fps drop issue
i contact like laptop company nvidia and windows didnt get the solution yet
im sorry are we talking abt ban or fps?
what do you bneed help with?
i dont think get unbanned by these kinds of specialist
i think now only can do smurf in new accs
you are hwid banned
currently need help in fps drop
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: this
will explain everything
imagine get banned again i told him to check my device if something suspicious but
he dont
already readed
then you would know your hwid is banned
which means if you create accounts
they will be banend too
i didnt see any code like 152 i played game ormally and loose round after replaced parts by a technisian i login to my acc and see i got a false ban
open riot client
hover over play
and take a ss
sussy baka

that is
van 154
but why that specialist not listing giving only these kind of response
this ticket has been solved; van 152. usually 4 month ban or perm. Riot support has decided to not appeal the ban
have a nice day:BearHeart:

if it hurts them then just unban us 💀
can you provide me tips if i face this issue in future again
appeal thats all
0_0 i mean like proof that i didnt use cheats and proof for that
they will cancel it anyway
thx for advice and make me fell calm
nothing you can show, Riot will check vg logs and do an investigation and after that they will decide if they will pardon you or not
they didnt investigate this time too
cause if they i got opreator every time even i sit in hidden places and smoke

i think the actual cheater have opposite card 😉
he didnt tell me why i got banned
walling aimboating or what
says here why
nothing from this
meanwhile i was getting opreatored by the cheater
I have explained mutliple times about this ban and what it means
now i ask you to accept that fact you are banned
wait 4months if this is your first hwid ban and you will be unbanned
it dosnt matter how much you complain here nothing will change
but can you help in another issue too i want to fix the fps issue it downfall when i see any enemy
hope you can
in what game?
only valorant
other game fine
youre baned
i use my alt acc
nope not hardware i can use alt with no issue
using from 6 days i think
try it
i wanna see
try it
can dm so i can go live
go on
so its not hardware ban i guess
i told them all things in result no invesigation take placed
just i lie to make player little bit out of that situation and fell good
What’s your riot id?
The one that was banned
which one
press my profile
you will see

thx for your advise
Are you sure your account wasn’t hacked?
i didnt give anyone my acc details
also mobile no was verified
i dont think its hacked
check your mail if someone changed pass or email
2 step auth is also enabled
you gotta know
cheats rnt the only third party program
there r plenty including other softwares that will get you banned
wdym spotify is third party
not like spotify
you obvi had something running
so i didnt use any thing only songs in background
if they did make a mistake theyd unban you!!
vanguard has had issues, ive been falsely banned and then unbanned bc of it
i didnt understand i just listen music in background
what kind of mouse do you have
mine this one
bloody one but ididnt remember
the model
send a photo.

use for maily minecraft
if you think i use cheat no chance cause from 6 moths facing hard fps drop issue if i run any program in background
in result i have to unistall spotify too
got it ?
pass was changed only not mail
did you change the password?
nope my last pass was my mail and now it changed
i didnt even realize cause i login to google
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
recover your account
then explain again
hopefully you will be unbanned
pass is changed not mail idk i didnt get any notification on mobile or mail
how can i change pass /
now you have some "proof" ig
most likely nothing will happen
how to do that

next to do
hey may be this is reason idk how two computer working on 1 device
can you join my call 1 time idk how this happen

idk how to computer
as you told hardware ban
is it may be reason
your alt got banned?
is it normal
cause my asus deskstop didnt have two computers
and i think acer didnt destroy old mother board
@lyra can you confirm that its hardware cheat detect on my acc
cause after changing the mother board i got ban in even on my own created game
Is it brand new or a 2nd hand part but an upgrade for you?
says hm then goes offline...
that's crazy
If it's a 2nd hand then u could be getting a board that has hwid ban on it
brand new created by acer
na all fault found in motherboard
Then I have no idea
cause of it i get ban in my own game
i report those things too acer support they will take 1 month to check the stuff cause i get instant ban in my own game after creating new acc
Didn't you say you weren't hwid banned?
i got enoght proof that something sus thx for helping me out
dude its hardware one cause i get multiple ban on my game for hadware and plugin use idk something fault in motherboard making this
well now i can get unbanned cause now acer official have to handle all stuff
and hope for new laptop
You won't be unbanned
its their issue their device make me ban
i didnt use cheat
Yup 👍
Have a good day