Cloudflare Radar Category
Why can I not get the same category for the domain on Cloudflare Radar website? And are there anyway to make it possible? I was using the official API which is{domain} just for reference

6 Replies
Those are for rankings, I believe the one you'd want is this:, which returns all the same intel as radar does/same api response
For non-enterprise that's got a cap on it of 100 requests/day though sadly
Cloudflare API Documentation
Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API
Can I use it directly from normal web request? or would that against tos?
...I just check and it is 100/month
ahh you're right my bad
I don't see anything here:, might be blocked by anti-bot stuff at some point, not a lawyer either. I don't see any other radar endpoint that exposes that data but I may be wrong
Then I cannot add it to my application to be available to public then, it s way too low
I got this from monitor network
which hopefully it would work
exact same output as the intel api
but won't seem to be having this low rate limit I would imagine
and I seem to able to get the result without any additional header, so normal usage should be fine
Data available via Radar API endpoints or direct download from is made available under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
^and I guess it would fall other this
...who would have thought that they blocked access on vps 😦