15 Replies
I tried the street/hype fashion and while it is a bit more comfortable it doesn't seem as much fun as wearing classic outfits
Like I would prefer white shirt blue straight fit jeans and grey dunks over heavy weight tshirt yeezy looking pants and new balance 2002
What does this even mean?
This lol
I dont know what the first style of clothing is called though
Ok? Having preferences for a style is normal.
Yeah but how do I make outfits in that style is what I am confused on
I don't know if that is even a style. Like it's a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I think you should go look for inspo to try to find things you like and want to dress like. That will both give you ideas, and allow us to actually help you.
If the goal is to elevate outfits, post pictures
" white shirt blue straight fit jeans" where are you struggling with putting the individual pieces together into a outfit
Like loafers and layering shirts stuff like that?
i think video guides might help
like tim dessaint
Pictures of what your aiming for and what items you are struggling to style would help most.
You need pictures. The outfit you are describing has like a million different vibes depending on accessories, the cut of everything, and how its put together.
"elevate" is sort of a stupid influencer term. If you want to elevate your outfit, get platform shoes. If you want to dress better, post pics and we can help.
And look in #waywt to see if anything there is close to what you are aiming for.
giving "if u wanna look taller wear heels"