Non-Steam games ignore Steam Input

When playing Non-Steam games, such as emulators or other games, the programs can still receive direct input from the connected controllers. This makes it impossible to use most games properly with a controller connected to a handheld, and all Steam overlays become a fun multitasking game with navigating both Steam and the game simultaneously. Currently done on an ROG Ally running bazzite-ally:39-stable-20240220, this was an issue on the bazzite-deck image as well before moving to the Ally
31 Replies
HikariKnight12mo ago
I believe non-steam games uses the desktop layout on non deck hardware (steam thing) so you need to setup the desktop profile for the controller to use the gamepad template
SeanOP12mo ago
This is done within gaming mode, where the games should have steam input, and they are definitely not using the desktop layout Regardless, this same issue was also on deck hardware
antheas12mo ago
Yes, if steam input is disabled, input leaks to the game in the background However, if steam input is enabled, you shouldnt be getting double input Unfortunate steam limitation If you're getting something else we can discuss
SeanOP12mo ago
It isn’t disabled though, I have the option to disable it in the controller settings. The guide button on my controller will open up both the emulator menu, and the Steam overlay. I can grab a screen capture in a minute
antheas12mo ago
Are you getting double input on the game? Both from steam input and the controller? Is steam input enabled? You don't need screen capture, if steam input is disabled that is the expected behavior It's unfortunate Then with steam input on no gyro
HikariKnight12mo ago
I should stop answering help messages right after waking up, I completely missed the double input part, thanks @antheas 😅
SeanOP12mo ago
It isn't a double input, it is as if it just isn't using Steam Input at all, but everything is supposed to be
antheas12mo ago
Maybe it's disabled for that game and you didn't notice
HikariKnight12mo ago
Also Is this using the deck controller or a different controller?
antheas12mo ago
I would say it does not make it impossible to use. I would more refer to it as a minor nuisance Ally, good morning Have some coffee Lmao
HikariKnight12mo ago
I don't drink coffee but I'm starting to think I should lmao 🤣
antheas12mo ago
Already had my first espresso shot
SeanOP12mo ago
SeanOP12mo ago
This used to be fine before, maybe it is a Steam bug, idk, but I am on the Stable Steam client and I would assume that a lot of people would be screaming about their emulators breaking
HikariKnight12mo ago
If it was fine before then it is a steam bug as we have no control over steam and steam input. And it looks like it's similar to how new BPM was in the beginning when people were forcing access to it on unsupported hardware early
SeanOP12mo ago
Here is a video with it working with a Steam game, reassigning the controller order
SeanOP12mo ago
If it is a Steam bug, that is fine. I just wanted to see if it was potentially something that came up with other changes, no worries.
antheas12mo ago
Open the controller dialog ingame
SeanOP12mo ago
antheas12mo ago
Weird, worth a look Only happens on the 8bit? Or both
SeanOP12mo ago
PPSSPP also sees this controller as Pad 2, even though Steam is supposed to change it to 1. The Ally controls are being read as Pad 3, even though there is only two devices here. The Ally controls appear to be caught by the Steam overlay though.
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antheas12mo ago
Mmmmm could be they're doing direct controller reads With usb
HikariKnight12mo ago
wouldnt surprise me emulationstation does the same
SeanOP12mo ago
You know, that would make sense lol. I can try flashing Steam OS back on the deck and see if it handles it any differently.
HikariKnight12mo ago
steamos should be 1:1 with bazzite and i suspect it will behave the same especially since ppsspp sees 3 controllers it sees both your controllers + steam input
SeanOP12mo ago
I know it should be, but hey, I need to reimage this ssd anyway because I threw the one in my deck into the ally. Is flatpak able to block usb devices specifically using it's permissions? Granted, that is probably how steam input tries to do input, but it is worth poking around at probably.
HikariKnight12mo ago
check flatseal for that
SeanOP12mo ago
Just paired a DualShock 4 and tried messing around with that, that appears to work fine, overlay stops input, but the built in controls are still stuck being Pad 1, but then switching the DS4 to 2 in the controller order makes the DS4 show up as Pad 1 and the built in controls are Pad 2? yes indeed, removing the device=all permission from ppsspp does prevent it from accessing all controllers bah, it doesn't look like flatpak has any sort of usb device filtering so that sucks Would be perfect to just only allow steam things, but whatever I guess. So I guess this isn't really a Bazzite issue really now, but just a general usb input thing. But then again, the built-in handheld controls not being able to be controlled properly is also not an ideal thing. But thanks for the help with figuring out that hey it is more of a USB is funky with Steam input issue lol I guess the Deck controls get away with it because the Deck controls aren't a traditional controller
HikariKnight12mo ago
it is a traditional usb device but steam input itself is what translates it into actual gamepad input i believe, as without it the deck will be in lizard mode.
antheas12mo ago
I can look into that There are some quirks with dualsense and emulating it Whats the difference between the ally controller and a real dualsense? Nobody supports the steam deck controller that's why
HikariKnight12mo ago

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