What cloudflare services will I need?

My entire experience with pages has been limited to using it to host a personal 11ty portfolio page. But now I want to use it to host more than that. My app will be a website that allows users to compare items, with each item having multiple fields (each field could be text or a number or a table of values). In order to fetch this data though, I will need to use something to parse through PDFs on Google Drive to get these fields and store them in some database (I plan to use D1 if possible, becuase I feel like it'll be the easiest to integrate with pages). What do I need to do to make an app that A. is hosted on cloudflare pages and can read from a D1 datastore B. uses python or some backend program to scrape through PDFs hosted on Google Drive and add them to a database Will they be separate things on cloudflare workers and pages (or functions?), or will it be one thing on pages, since I've heard that pages is fullstack? Also, does D1 storage have a feature to search through items based on a field? In order for users to select the items to compare.
3 Replies
neuner12mo ago
you can have workers in pages using the functions dir, and for repeating tasks, you can run them via cron schedules
ZlushiieOP12mo ago
Acе12mo ago
D1 is an sqlite database so you can run queries on the data like advanced searching & sorting. As for the data in Google Drive you can likely use a worker script

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