secure boot on windows 10?
ive been getting this issue since last night, ive been playing for like 2 months with no problem and it just happened. nothing changed and i randomly get it. im on windows 10 so idk why its telling me to turn on secure boot all of a sudden when ive been playing without it for so long. can someone help please

39 Replies
Win+r on keyboard,
Type msinfo32
Show photo of the app that opens

my secure boot is off i know that but i thought vanguard on win10 doesnt need it since ive been playing without it
It doesn't matter if u r on win10 or 11
What matters is the trust factor of ur account
so what do i do
i got this error as well this morning
Turn secure boot on, what else
Also what is that cpu
i cant turn it on, i use a steam deck which doesnt have this option
yeah about that
U playing on a steam deck?
my game was fine last night now i got this and we on steam decks
yeah, windows 10
:val_HUH: :val_HUH:
did vanguard get a update or something because i swear this problem was always only on windows 11 and people even said to stay on windows 10 to play with secure boot off
i think something happened with steam deck cause other users reported the same thing
I will have to look into this wait
and ive been playing for a bit on a sd but now this is the first ive got this
I didn't even know people be playing on a steam deck
it runs good
yeah, we have the drivers to run perfectly
i get around 150 fps too
but i use a mouse and keyboard and a 24 inch monitor
sd is just like a makeshift pc
i dont use its actual screen or controller
did you change anything on yours i onyl changed my C++ distrubte thing and the sdkNet thing
nah i didnt change anything
after i installed the drivers ive just been using windows normally
So i can't seem to find a way to enable secure boot
Yeah It’s not possible on steam deck
I’m just not sure why this happened all off a sudden because I’ve been fine until today
As i said, it doesn't matter what os u r on
Technically u r not even supposed to run val on a steam deck lol
so funny thing as i was checking, steam deck windows mode is UEFI and it does support secure boot its just valve didnt put the keys in so we cant enable it
either way im pretty sure this is a bug cause some non steam deck windows 10 users are getting this as well, windows 10 doesnt require secure boot which is why people use it, so either windows, or riot messed something up
Windows 10 sometimes does require secure boot
That is based on your risk factor that vanguard imposes restrictions like secure boot
Hm, well either way this wasnt an issue for any of us before so still highly possible it's a bug
It's not
Again your risk factor
Can change
Again makes no sense that every steam deck now has this issue
Has anyone managed to solve it? I've had the same problem since Sunday and I haven't been able to get anything. I have Windows 10 installed on an external ssd and valorant running without problem for months.
It is my only way to play valorant 😦
U can't solve this
On a steam deck atleast
Not even following these steps? https://github____com/ryanrudolfoba/SecureBootForSteamDeck
Change __ _ for .
no, sadly valorant can no longer be played, and custom keys are blocked by vanguard, only thing i can say is go to steam deck features page on steam and requeest secure boot to be added