VAL Error 5...?
I haven't played Valorant for months and I get this error whenever I try to go to a shooting range or match, I'm quite confused, is the servers down for me?

105 Replies
Open task manager then details and close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related service/ app
Then open control panel then uninstall programs and uninstall vanguard
Got it
Then open riot client and click update. It will ask u to restart and then restart ur pc.
Ah, the error still pops up even though I did everything what you said correctly
Exit out of the game
Press the little upward arrow on ur taskbar
Can u see this there?

Right click on it
Then more
And uninstall
Then open cmd as admin and type these commands
And then reinstall it right? Let me try it
type these commands
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
And show the result
If this doesn’t work please let me know
Yeah he will come to ur house and make u reinstall windows

Now sc delete vgc
After u do that close cmd
Go to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard and uninstall it
After that u can open riot client and click update.
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig / renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
Type these cmd in order open cmd as admin
The fuck
It worked for me
Chances are never 0
Nope they are zero
It worked for me
Why not trying
I tried it and it didn't work aswell
2nd method
@Khai Did you uninstall and reinstall vanguard?
Yes I did twice
I see
Control pannel>>>category>>>network and internet>>>network and sharing>>>change adapter setting>>>right click on internet then properties>>>send ss
@Khai here
@MONKEY D LUFFY Have fun I'm going to bed
It's almost 4am

Click on internet protocol
Version 4
Then properties
Send ss

Click on use the following dns server address
First one
Then ok>>close
Restart the pc
@Khai let me know when you did it
I did it
Wait, show the error again
It's in the ss on the first message
Open your valo now
It worked?
Nah :val_CatBigStare:
Bro rly thought changing the dns server will fix vanguard
This guy is problem
Search services find vgc right click on it then properties
Send ss

Change startup to automatic
Then start
Apply>>ok>>>restart>>>open valo
damn it

How did you uninstall vanguard?
I used two methods

Are you using a custom version of windows
Win 10 Pro
Because the first image you sent doesn’t look like windows
Control panel>>>uninstall program>>>find vanguard>>>delete
Ah I already did that
Reinstall vanguard?
That was the first thing i made them do smh
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands
sc query vgk
sc query vgc
Show result

What antivirus do u have?
just the default windows security
Do you have firewall?
What kinda question is that
I'm pretty sure yeah
Oh ok😭
Delete the folder
And reinstall
I made them do that alrdy :val_CatBigStare:
Already did that
^ did you do this?
Try doing this again
Man, we can call it quits if you want

In window search
Enter: winver
Show me your compatibility tab right click on valo>>>properties>>>compatibilty>>>send ss
And send a photo
I'm so sorry but I honestly give up, thank you for trying to help though
Just show the windows version, please

Its good
Hm, weird
Well, have a good night
Good night! thank you again for trying to help!
By the way, next step is a clean boot :D
I’m just telling my God
Im sorry
We tried everything
It's okay!
Cough cough we didn’t
I still have like 16 different methods
Not gonna work
@Khai don’t worry in the morning I’m gonna put you through your work
Get mentally prepared