i need help, the support is useless
Hey again,
I know that this account means a lot to you and you've invested so much into it, I'm sure that hearing this decision isn't easy.
Only the original creator of an account may request a recovery as the transfer, sale or trade of an account is not recognized. As I have informed you before, account security is something that we take very seriously at Riot. Account sharing of any kind is against our Terms of Service, and any further incidences of sharing will ultimately result in account suspension.
Once again, I know this is not easy to hear, however our decisions have been made to reduce fraud and protect player privacy. I'm counting on your understanding for this one and if there's anything else that I can do for you - just let me know.
Take care,
This is what he said to me after I explained MULTIPLE times my friend CREATED the account for me. He hasn’t played on it at all. I played all 400 hours on it and bought EVERY vp on it. I am very dissatisfied
115 Replies
this is a community server and we cant do anything about it
I'm sorry to hear that :BearHeart:
@Riot Schmick
Don't ping schmick, she can't do anything about it.
Before speaking, know the context 👍 I’m asking for her opinion
Wdym "opinion"
they are correct - it is our policy that you cannot have someone else make an account for you. the person who makes the account is the only person who may play on it
What do u want her to state exactly?
Do you not know what an opinion is
She does not work on the player support team, and does not have the authority to unban someone
Where is it
In riot's tos
I’m not banned I’m suspended for something silly
Same thing
Riot Games
Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT, Teamfight Tac...
Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, and Wild Rift. Creators of Arcane. Home of LOL and VALORANT Esports.

this is from the TOS they linked above
Damn you even pulled it up
It never mentioned making someone an acc is against tos
It’s not his account tho
He made it on behalf of me
He made it
Its his account
The person who made it owns it.
Is that difficult to understand
yes it is, they made the account and then they shared the credentials with you. it says you cant share the credentials of an account you made
It clearly says do not share the account credentials
He made it on behalf of me
"You must keep your account credentials secret"
and he cannot do that
per the TOS i just ss
Also they mention you need a gueadian to make an acc
I’m not violating anything
who mentioned that?
Not knowing your own policies is crazy
I'm getting annoyed now
b/c that's not a policy i've ever heard of
@Tricky I beg you please
same, asking for my help / opinion then laughing at me when i explain
Let me find it for you
I am not going to let you disrespect employees.
We already stated.
whether or not you are in violation of Riot's policies is actually up to Riot, not you
Someone made your account, thats not allowed.
It’ll also be illegal yk?
Tricky if you wouldn't mind locking the post
Suspending someone for no reason is very much illegal
They are asking for all the information, if you cant provide it. Then nothing can be helped.
I provided all the information needed, did I not?

no it's not. you agree to our TOS when you engage in our game and services
idk why i highlighted it
but yknow
That’s snuffing
and they state we can suspend for violations of our policies
Yes but suspending someone for not obeying a rule that isn’t in tos is illegal
read the second sentence again
it is in the TOS
Its literally in the TOS
You’re contradicting what you js said afew moments ago
oh? please explain how
You never mentioned tos
Policies is tos...
The policies is the TOS
when i say it's up to Riot, i mean in the policies we determine, which is the TOS
You’re basically saying if I’m not violating policy is up to riot
mf if this bothers you so much
sue them
Lmao true
i'm saying we define the policies, in our TOS, and we determine when accounts are violating them and have the right to suspend, as also stated in our TOS/policy.
but yes, if you think you have a legal case, feel free to consult a lawyer and send them our TOS
I’m not going to sue riot over a silly argument 😂
It’s their fault in the first place
How is making an account on behalf of someone against tos?
So what are u trying to achieve by arguing with us here?
It will not get u anywhere
well if you want to think that instead of learning from this, then ig keep violating TOS and end up with more suspended accounts
They state in it that you’ll need a guarding to make an acc or you’ll be banned
Where did I flaw
I followed everything
You’ll need a Riot Games account to access many of our services. To create an account and use the Riot Services, you must: (i) be an adult; (ii) be an emancipated minor; or (iii) have valid parent or legal guardian consent to be bound by these Terms. If you’re not an adult or emancipated minor, or don’t understand this Section, please talk to your parents or legal guardian and ask for help. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a minor who creates an account with us, you and the minor accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. You are also responsible for all use of the account and compliance with these Terms by the minor, including all purchases made on the account. You may not create or use an account or use any of the Riot Services on behalf of any other person or other legal entity or for a commercial purpose.
it does not say that a guardian must make your account if you are a minor, it says that a guardian must consent to you creating one. in fact, this section about that rule even states in the last sentence that no one may make an account on behalf of anyone else

To create an account
you must "have a valid guardian consent to be bound by these terms"
it doesnt say they create the account
and it does say "you may not create or use an account or use any of the Riot Services on behalf of any other person"
Yes, they can agree to the terms on a different account?
no, they agree as in they have read them and say "yes, this is fine, go ahead and make an account, son"
Hm interesting
I didn’t see the bottom
they can read them on the website, they dont have to create an account
So is there any way of getting my acc back
and this is a strawman argument anyway because you said a friend made the account for you, not a parent or legal guardian
I admit I’m in the wrong
Do they know that
My friend could be my dad
then you could have said that
but you didnt
I mean I might seem stupid but can't you just ask your friend to contact riot?
and i'm not talking about what player support knows
Doesn’t change anything
i'm talking about you arguing w/me here that you did nothing wrong
It’s adding to my dad
Is there anyway to get my acc back
no, b/c, as we've established, you violated TOS
We don't even know what they got banned for in the first place lel
That’s annoying
oh yeah true
So I can’t get my acc back even with my dad verifying it was meant for me?
it's stated in our TOS

i'm not going to tell you that you are free to lie to player support
But if he confirms it
i'm not going to answer questions about how to help you lie to get an account back
I’m not lying
it doesn't matter because YOU didn't create it
and i dont believe you - you said repeatedly it was your friend
They said they needed comfirmation
It’s not even about if I’m lying or not
doesn't matter if they say it's okay if you didn't create the account then you broke TOS
They need confirmation of the original owner
Will I get my acc back if I talk to him?
Also that only works if you are under 13
I was under 13 when he made the acc 💀
i'm going to peace out of this discussion now. i've given the info i'm going to give
I'm sorry to inform you but your account is gone
Have a good day/night :D
well, depending on where you live, that may have also been a violation of TOS
Saucy need your help in different post
Ping me
He made the acc for me 😭
i dont know the law for every country, but most places i know of, you are legally required to be 13 to play
schmick you have explained enough 😭
And I didn’t?
Might aswell ban most pros
As all of the information have been giving, this thread will be closed and marked as resolved.
It will be best to contact player support with all for any questions or concerns.
This is not leading to any help.