hey, can you guys help me to fix my issue.

Solution:Jump to solution
[Solution]: Enable secure boot within your bios and set secure boot mode to custom. This specific post is for Gigabyte motherboards
21 Replies
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
i already did it and the safe start status disable
and i dont know how the eneble it
can you help me plss ?
Please send it to me!
its in french idk if you can understand ?
That's fine

Secure boot is still disabled
You said you already did turn it on
Can you show me where you enabled it from?
He said that he dont know how to enable it
i enable it in my BIOS but idk why this issue is still here
There's a setting that you have to change
Just go back into your bios and show me where you enabled it

Set secure boot mode to custom
And after
Press restore factory keys
It may ask you to exit
Press no
It’s ask to press yes to proceed and no to cancel
Press yes
to that
it worksss
thx so much
[Solution]: Enable secure boot within your bios and set secure boot mode to custom. This specific post is for Gigabyte motherboards