Does the beard blend in well with the jawline or am i merely wasting my jawline?

I've always been told i have a reallg strong looking jawline but its a tad too wide giving me that chipmunk look. Does the beard blend in well?
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6 Replies
tun🌻4mo ago
I think the beard suits you, but clean shaven looks cool too! Honestly dude you can rock whichever you prefer There's no such thing as "too wide", or too anything for features, honestly - every human being looks different and that's a great thing. You should embrace the compliments if they feel nice, and try not to dwell on any negative perceptions of yourself
zeometer4mo ago
i think some of this might be photo perspective; it looks like in some pics (especially the roll neck and suit) the camera is below your face and tilted upward which can make your jaw appear more pronounced i think you look fine either way, your choice is a matter of personal preference (i.e how often you enjoy shaving)
Exillus4mo ago
1. Learn to take better photos. The selfie zoom is mans worst enemy in photography. 2. Ur facial hair looks fine. You have a strong basis appearence wise already. 👍
carrion4mo ago
Since you're new here, word of advice, drop the "gym max" recommendation. Plenty of us here lift, but that's because we choose to. This isn't the place to tell people what to do with their bodies.
Bigelow4mo ago
Adding onto carrion, this is explicitly against the rules of the server (see rule 6 on unsolicited comments on fitness/body type) - edit your comment please.
Exillus4mo ago
My bad