Running sshuttle in my pod
I am trying to connect my pod to my k8s cluster and I need to work with sshuttle -- I need iptables DNAT and REDIRECT modules installed.
Is there a way to enable this on my instance? Alternatively I could also use nftables or TPROXY
10 Replies
there is firewall on runpod pods how do you use sshuttle? Never head anything about that app.
its more or less a poor man's VPN using iptables + outgoing ssh connection
not sure if it's going to work as we run non elevated containers
@Papa Madiator yeah I had to give up on runpod as I need net_admin and sys_module capabilities.
for reference here's how I start my docker on LambdaLabs:
docker run -it --cap-add net_admin --cap-add sys_module --network host --gpus all rayproject/ray:2.9.0-py310-cu117
Any plans on allowing this on runpod?not possible as its security risk
Wouldn't that be possible if we were provided with VMs instead of containers? (in a secure fashion)
you could try
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though cant say it update
Hopefully its not too expensive