Help people in my university must get 1000 answer from developers in survey
Google Docs
Survey on Software Development Job Placement
Software Developer Survey Description (English)
Hey there!
We invite you to participate in this short survey to gain insights into the current state of software development around the globe. Your anonymous responses will be valuable in understanding opportunities, programming languages, and compensation in the software development field.
What W...
10 Replies
The form itself is flawed. You've made some assumptions and all the questions are based around those assumptions.
You did not consider people who learned 20 years ago.

you are missing a "none" field, and also, this is a radio button - only one selection can be made
Vague question - do you mean only outside work hours or including work hours? Do you mean hours focused on learning new things, or is practice included?

There is a "how many years have you been learning", but wouldnt a "how many years have you been working in the industry" question be relevant too?
It seems the questionnaire cant decide if it targets people who want to work as a programmer or who actually do work as programmers - too many questions are only applicable by one of these groups.
back to the drawing board with this one. Take your time with creating the form. Otherwise youll get biased useless data
Thank you bro, let me repair that in survey
Even it's true.
Its totally valid to make a questionnaire that targets both - but you should have conditional questions then
ie, if you say you are currently working, those questions appear and the "I want to one day work in the industry" disapear
In that part I did fail , but let me make better questionnaire for get data more important to do a good work