stretched red
I wanna use stretched red but whenever I try to do it I get black bars. Also is their a way I can do it where it doesn’t affect my actual computer and only make it work in valorant?
39 Replies
What resolution are you trying to use?
And then what is the native for your monitor?
I want my res to be 1280 by 1024 I think
idk what native is
So I'm guessing it's just 1920 by 1080
that’s the default
that’s the one I am always on when I play val
What resolution are you using in windows?
I am not sure
I think the same as val
I can lyk later when I am home on Sunday
Sadly that resolution isn't supported
*within windows without black bars
Inside of Valorant it is supported
oh damn k
so is their a way to get rid of the black bars in val?
So you should be able to use it without black bars in Valorant
In windows, you will have blackbars. In Valorant, you shouldn't
oh k
but I do in valoeant
I tried it yesterday
and I had black bars in valorant
When you can please show me the settings within windows, and your settings within Valorant
alr I will make another one when I come back and show my settings
thanks for helping me
I will send screenshot here later
but it might close so if it does I will make another ticket thingy
This won't be closed
Oh alright
so I will send here when I can
Ok 👍
thank you
what video card are you using? @Ray7_ do you have NVIDIA?
I have nvidia
right click on desktop and open up NVIDIA
on the left hand side click on "ADjust desktop size and position". scaling mode should be on FULL SCREEN. Next, perform scaling on "DISPLAY". try that see if it works. let me know
I apologize for the late reply. my internet was having issues yesterday.
oh all good
but I don’t want the res to affect my actual pc
only valorant
understood @Ray7_ then when you play other games just switch it back to what it was before.
it wont change the resolution to your actual PC. just the applications.
let me know if it works.
so if i go google will the res affect it
try it
k when I get home I will try these
prob tommorow
sounds good have fun
thank you to for helping me
youre welcome .
i wouldnt suggest you to play stretched though. these newer games are designed to run on native resolution.
I just wanna try it
i am home now
@-mudkip- it wont let me select full screen
send me a screen shot @Ray7_
are you using G- Sync or Adaptive sync?

it wont let me select full screen
idk what that is
you there?
what monitor do you have ?
I have strecthed res nowB
the charactor aren’t big as they are supposed to be
why is that?
what do you mean? send a screen shot