Should i quit the game or spent another week to grind back
I've been a valorant player since beta i my peek im Ascendant II and ive been stuck in diamond for so long
I recentlly had a 17 Lose streak and i dont know if i should grind back or just kill myself (If i get banned
that will show how riot treats players)

6 Replies
what I do is when I have a losing streak of 3 I quit for the day
take a 5min break between each comp game without your phone or computer and let the mind just rest
you got this man ❤️
So she is saying don't play for a week or so basically.
yeah, something like that. Especially now when you are on a losing streak of 17, it's better to let your brain rest:BearHeart:
remember it's okay to lose and you will get back up everything takes time so don't stress it
Also get a duo
Or even a 5 stack
If u can
it's way more fun to play with friends who can support you and motivate it when you need it:BearHeart:
Thnaks for every tip (even tho i alredy been playing duo or even more)
i quit