VALORANT13mo ago

Valorant Mouse Issue

When I play valorant, I become unable to use my mouse anywhere but in the game, as well as my thumb mouse buttons not working. Heard this is an issue with iCue and updating it resolves the issue, but mine is up to date. I have to restart my PC every time I play.
Please make a ticket with Riot
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24 Replies
RodoshaOP13mo ago
So I recreated the issue. - Mouse work fine until I attempt to rebind my thumb buttons to their binds - Once thumb buttons are pressed, mouse doesn't work anywhere but in valorant. - If I close valorant through the main menu, I can use the mouse again on applications who's window is on the screen, but still does not work on the desktop (IE clicking app shortcuts and other icons on the desktop, as well as the task bar)
JSN13mo ago
RodoshaOP13mo ago
Desktop I did read something on reddit that Vanguard could be the problem
JSN13mo ago
Controller plugged in?
RodoshaOP13mo ago
no I did have a drawing tablet plugged in when I first had this issue happen
JSN13mo ago
Ik it only enables one mouse input at a time, but if you don't have any other things idk then
RodoshaOP13mo ago
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
you can only have one mouse or controller plugged in
RodoshaOP13mo ago
Id say two cause the tablety was plugged in and its just basically another mouse
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
im saying you can only have one
RodoshaOP13mo ago
I did unplug it though yesterday and the issue still persisted. Same with today
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
or val doesnt recognize the input hmm
RodoshaOP13mo ago
I have the Corsair M75 I didn't restart my pc after I recreated the problem, and control of the desktop/taskbar has returned
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
i did a quick search and found this oh i cant link
RodoshaOP13mo ago
You can DM it to me Regardless of what screen I am in, if I press thumb buttons I lose the ability to use my mouse anywhere but valorant. When I close valorant, I can use my mouse on open windoes, but not the desktop. After a unknown amount of time i regain control over desktop and taskbar @Diet Pepsi Its not that the mouse buttons dont work, its that valorant (probably vanguard) is prohibiting thumb mouse inputs as well as locking the mouse from using other applicaitons or the desktop after specifically either of the two thumb buttons are pressed
Jidat13mo ago
Completely reinstall ur mouse software
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
ah yeah try software and also clean boot
Jidat13mo ago
Then set evrything to default
RodoshaOP13mo ago
im using icue I wouldnt be supprised if its giving me problems icue does also crash when I unplug my headset reciever
Jidat13mo ago
Yeah reinstall it
RodoshaOP13mo ago
I had to restart my pc 1000 times I swear hopefully this works It didnt work. Definetly vanguard its worse now Its closed and I cant use chrome I guess ill just go play league
Saucywan13mo ago
Please make a ticket with Riot
VANGUARD13mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Saucywan13mo ago

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