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[Solution]: OP Motherboard does not support secure boot or TPM. Contact riot for a chance to drop the restriction.
299 Replies
My Pc Doesnt Support Tpm or Secure Please Tell me A fix
i was just palying yesterday now this happeend
it is on windows 10
Show msinfo32 and tpm.msc
And wdym it doesn't support secure boot?
Evrything supports secure boot

Why is it cut after the i3 cpu
lol I think he was actually right tho
Bios from 2010 with uefi is highly unlikely
Bro is cooked
i was litteraly playing yesterday tbh
The same shit will happen to me if i get the error some day 😭
I was super mad when they stopped supporting 1709 😭
I don’t wanna be on 22H2 man :/
Bro we converted a guy's scheme to gpt yesterday
We went into the bios to switch it to uefi
turn off hypervision
Couldn't find it anywhere
how to
lol was his bios also released before he was born?
Then i find this on asus's website :val_KEKW: :val_KEKW: @Arii

??? wtf
Asus rly cooked here
I can’t even understand what he is trying to say
He is just so lost in the sauce
Yeah so they said "go fuck urself, if u want the option buy a more expensive motherboard"
run this cmd on power shell
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor
if this doesnt work re install everything
Wait what are we doing?
How will that fix his issue :val_CatBigStare:
I mean I guess it could technically
The command needs admin btw so run cmd as admin when you do it
Don't think it will tho
secure boot get turned off when hypervision get enabled
bro is your pc low end
like is it old?
Neither do I since bios is in legacy
it is old but not like low end
@! A7 • Nouman? open task manager then performance and show a ss
it might be cause of old bios or some windows stuff
Cuz i can't see ur cpu in msinfo32

It’s from 2010
do you use windows 11
oh win 10

It probably doesn’t even have UEFI mode
yeah it doesnt i tried
uhh dont you have a gpu?
I would be surprised if it has tpm 2.0 as well
yeh i have
it doesnt :>
I mean in the computer itself
An i3 540
which one
Amd Radeon 7000 series
If he had a tpm chip, it would've shown here
A tpm chip on the mobo ofc
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
type this in cmd
@! A7 • Nouman?
Does Val let you boot with the software version in w11?
and restart
admin cmd btw
and send me a ss of it
Turning vbs off will not do anything :val_CatBigStare:
It doesn't help with secure boot
Compatibility mode for windows 8.1 :val_CatBigStare:

And maybe run it as admin while u r at it
Disable full screen optimizations too of course
it fixed my issue
It fixes it for Van 9005
and try to open the game
It will not work
nah i had secure boot issue
but when i turned it off
it fixed it
It could fix it if he was on UEFI bios with everything enabled already
hypervison turns of secure boot so
He is on a legacy bios from 2010 though so 0% chance it works
He is on legacy
if its off secure boot automaticaly turns on
let him try
thats how i fixed my secure boot
im pretty sure that he cant do anything on legacy
Why didn't u just turn secure boot on?
Gl finding a secure boot on this pc tho
bruh i didnt know how
Its prob not there lol
It’s about a 50/50 if the option is even available
and when i searched on yt it showed me this
What if he doesn't have a option to switch it to uefi lmao
He might not
i only learned it after i fixed the issue
Windows 8 was the first to implement secure boot correctly
yeah chances are high
@Arii have u ever seen turning vbs off fixing the secure boot issue?
And that was 2012, this shit is from 2010
If the pc is in UEFI with secure boot already on in bios yeah
Wdym in bios
It shouldn't even give u the error in the first place then
Ok nvm
it has worked before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The joke went over my head
There also used to be a blue screen that happened with hyperv and core isolation
Glad it doesn’t seem to happen anymore I had to be the one who fixed it for everyone back then
@! A7 • Nouman? where u at?
It somehow magically worked or sum shit?
Also when is this i3 540 even released
What gen is that
Jan 7 2010
It’s first gen
wait i just restarted
idk :>
The nehalem ones
Even that has uhd graphics smh
I just turned on legacy
Why the fuck would u do that
Then this shouldn't be that hard
i saw a vid in which he told me to\
turned it on from bios
Wait are u on gpt?
Sub 1k frequency go hard tho
what is gpt ?_?
Search disk management in windows search
ok wai
Open it and right click the disk in which ur windows is, then properties then volumes
And send a ss here

U clicked the wrong disk
Close that little tab
And show another ss
Which on

Right click on disk 0 on the left side of the blue lines

Hm its mbr
How did u change it to legacy exactly?
From My Bios Settings
What was it on before that?
It was disabled before
Did u see a uefi option there?
Show me the yt video u saw
Where he changes it to legacy
i saw a reddit post 💀
do you want me to turn it off
I ca
Show me the post u saw
ok wait
U are definitely talking about something else here
i can come from my mobile and show you my bios settings
if you want
Did u try opening ur game?
the same issure]
Oh it was legacy free which i enabled
Never heard of it
So show me ur bios settings

There is 1 way to solve it
Idh money to do that
Go to startup
And send photo
@Arii what is that legacy free setting?

Not sure what you’re referring to here
Also where is his secure boot setting
And changing bios mode to uefi setting
I have never seen that setting name before imma be honest
We can try to find the 14 year old manual I guess
Or just get a full screenshot of the description
@! A7 • Nouman? uh do u have the laptop manual laying around by any chance? Lmao
Its a pc :()
And No It was second hand
Tbh i don't think he has an option to change it to uefi
1990 pc
Yeah high chance he doesn’t
Go to main
And show photo
If it isn't there then there is no such thing

Yeah its nowhere to be seen
We can try updating the bios (if it even exists)
U can come out of bios now
Apparently there actually exists a manual from 2010 still available but it has to be the most horrifying bs I’ve read in a while
:val_KEKW: :val_KEKW:
It’s about modifying the bios using VBS scripts
Get me back to modern era pls
Oh hell naw
Im back on windows screen
Yeah so hate it to break it to you

Thanks For trying btw
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Contact support and show them ur msinfo32
They might lift the restrictions
Maybe they will take pity yeah xd
Tell them ur bios doesn't have the option to switch to UEFI
Not much they can expect you to do with that old of a system tbh it’s kinda messed up
As arii said
They might feel bad and lift the restrictions
Maybe this is the new strat for cheating
Just use like super old and died out bios versions
Hey i wanna ask something
No need
Go away
What is this why it is coming to so many peoples screen
@! A7 • Nouman? let us know what reply they give u
It’s a random check they are giving to windows 10 users
Yeah so its a thing called an error
Me on window 11🗿
Something something prevent cheats idfk
There is nothing i can do i am poor
U are destined to be doomed then
If they let me play on windows 7 I would
You would faster find me dead than on latest windows
Look at my msinfo :val_CatBigStare:

Unsupported 😏
I will get fucked the moment they ask me to turn secure boot on
What is secure boot
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Tbh mine looks about the same just with better specs
But that’s because I manually disable everything on my pc :val_CatBigStare:
which do i need to chosE?

why did i even get the restriction ?_?
It’s basically an OS setting that uses cryptographic keys to verify the signatures of stuff like the kernel and bootloader
They do it with accounts with a low trust factor
Idk how its determined tho
You mean riot think if they are hacking or something :val_CatBigStare:
I mean there are only two types of people who would use BIOS versions so scuffed they don’t even have manuals
Scroll a bit down
Why people are still using window 10 :val_KEKW:

Because it’s better
my pc doesnt support 11
Both performance and GUI wise
It’s just NPCs who use w11
Are u slow?
It makes every menu so unbelievably dogwater
I need to throw this phone away I fucking hate autocorrect
turn it off 5head
Personal suspension i think
3rd one
Suspension and restriction
Da fuk u mean 3rd one
I can’t I have become dependent on this horrifying system to type correctly on mobile now
Cant you fkin see
1 2 and 3rd one is suspension or restriction
Yeah restriction or technical issue should both work
They will just move it on their end if they think it’s the wrong category anyways
Restriction🗣️🗣️ only
Does Riot Tool Fix Anything
It fixed my marriage and tarnished relationship with my split personality
Doesn't do shit
Its rly just used for logs
how much time does riot take to respond?
1-14 business days
Depends how much they like you

You might even get blitzcranked if you’re unlucky
There is no worse fate than that
Sometime hours sometime days sometime weeks sometime month sometime year sometime whole century
then theres nothing we can do
Buy a new pc 👍
if i had enough money i would have
@! A7 • Nouman? look thats what i said before the whole conversation
I am feeling sick now
I want something to divert my mind
You should gamble
Gambling is fun
Imma go learn how to play poker
Learn chess
That’s the spirit 👍
Then beat saucy's ass on poker
btw if i changge my account will it work?
I am rated 1800
Chess is for amateurs
Gambling is for real men
😞😞 im 2600🌚
Haram :val_CatBigStare:
I call cap
i was going to say same
Believe or not
try to update your graphic driver, sometimes it resolves the tpm2.0/secure boot error on windows 10
Yeah update ur uhd drivers to nvidia one
That will work
Maybe we update the audio drivers using the nvidia installer too
i did
Hm that might work
We can update the bluetooth drivers so his cpu has a better wireless connection with his motherboard
U don't know?
I dont have Bluetooth in my pc
We were clearly joking
Also where did u pull this from?
Some indian youtuber?
Nono I’ve got it
The VR drivers
Ah yes how could we forget
We could also maybe touch up the printer firmware
That sometimes enables secure boot
What if we print a secure boot option?
He can just click it anytime he wants
unplug and replug your peripherals :val_CatBigStare:
friend had the same problem after an update and updating the graphic resolved it. he also doesn't have UEFI nor tpm or secure boot enabled. Idk how it correlates to the error message tho
No but soon
Any norms?
Btw is it possible to hack in chess
Where are you from
@jidat What the hell
What the shit
My eyes hurt now
From what
Good Luck with that
This chat
[Solution]: OP Motherboard does not support secure boot or TPM. Contact riot for a chance to drop the restriction.