16 Replies
Depends on what app u r using for it
Not bannable
I think
It shouldn't be bannable lol
do you know how meany days you get banned?
For 3rd party softwares?
A 4 month hwid ban and perma ban on the account
I think :val_CatBigStare:
can are staff meaby replay?
Uh what?
like are staff can anwer
any 3rd party software has the potential to get you banned: https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/225266848-Third-Party-Applications - for how long you can get banned, we don't know
nono du you get banned for using true streched on nivida
if it doesn't provide measurable player advantage then u should be fine
if it does, don't use it

ïs this fine
