constant VAL 5 error
after about 30 minutes of playing i get kicked out mid game and get perm suspended for no specific reason. not hardware ban just the account. ive tried many ways to try to fix this (resetting my pc, reinstalling, ect) yet nothing works. someone please help me with this issue!
16 Replies
What doest it say
Val 5 error and ur region
i just got out of a false hardware banned before all this has started happening

im from na
all the times ive been banned these past 2 days i only have valorant and discord open and even sharing my screen
so i dont know what is causing all this
Reinstall vanguard
ive done that twice now
How exactly?
i uninstalled it and went into file explorer and deleted riot vanguard on program files
plus i factory reset my pc too
This is actually a hwid ban
Similar to van 152
i had the van 152 for 3 months and im finally able to play now but only for 30 minutes
Yeah u gotta create ticket to ask valorant support on why is it still happening
i already have im just waiting on that
Bc if u create a new account after a few games u will be perma suspended again bc it's also a hwid ban so not sure why it's not fully lifted up for u, maybe u still got 1 more month to go as it's typically says 4 months
yeah that might be what it is
just wondering why i'd be able to play a whole swift without getting banned
It's like a delay ban thingy
idk ill see if its done by next month then