??? Ping
all the server pings are ??? except oregon and N. Virginia. Ive tried to reinstall valorant and vanguard and also tried to run as administrator but nothing is working.

40 Replies
Where like open a ticket or something?
Same thing happened to me but texas was my best server now its my worse and illinois is my best 💀
Ah hell nah
there is also a small change that corrupted game files are wacking
So I just gotta wait or can I contact someone
try to reinstall val, not a high chance it will work
Read the post I already tried
oh mb
missed it
yeah contact internet provider
any solution to this issue? I'm having the same problem
Literally no idea might honestly be server side

mine says the same thing as u
it was fine till yesterday
Do you all happen to have Frontier as an ISP?
@Jimz ^^
@ale does that happen all the time?
nope just this time
Cool, so just today.
yesterday and today
Let me take a look, can you share your traceroute to ? free to DM me the results
its somehow related to the patches as it happened right after the new update
When did you first start seeing the issue?
Those should already be public
And they should be postable in this channel
They're not somehow, I have a "This content is blocked by this server. From server moderators:.." might be because it's the full path URI to the page.
Nope works fine
[Message unsent]
Ah it's cause I tried copying the command from the page. It's picking up the traceroute piped to a txt file.
Are you using the default network settings in windows?
And I'm not near my PC rn I'll check tomorrow
Got school
Hey @Ditch568 and @ale we believe this was caused by an ISP maintenance outside of Riot. They basically were sending your packets on the scenic route. Can you ping me if you see it again?
You’re a Valorant developer
That’s crazy
I swear you did not have that role yesterday
lmao, @Jimz and I were waiting on the role. We're part of Riot Direct, the team that handles internet connectivity to our game servers.
Ahh, well welcome to the server
Yes I'll ping if I see it after school
Also jumps scare by a riot dev role did not expect that I thought you were just really knowledgeable on servers and stuff
seems to be working fine now
i just checked as of right now and everything seems correct
thank you