✅ .NET MAUI Layout
I am trying to create a password field with the show icon to the right of the password field, when i run the application using a windows machine, it seems fine, but then when i try to run it on an android device i get the below

11 Replies
Do not use Margin for layout, use a StackPanel (or what the hell it is called in MAUI)
okay, lemme try this
Margin is the spacing between elements
It should not be used for layouting
you may want to use row-/columndefinitions on your
as it seems to behave the same as in WPFin entry use horizental option fill
Thanks this worked. Do you also know how I can enable hot reload for an Android Emulator? currently when I make changes, i have to rebuild my entire solution
Hot reload enable by default. Just make source in preference hot reload enabled
Thanks, I think I can close this question now
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