
const { env, cf, ctx } = getRequestContext();
Warning: The function cannot be called in code from components using the Pages router.
const { env, cf, ctx } = getRequestContext();
Warning: The function cannot be called in code from components using the Pages router.
is there any specific reason from this limitation? Can't really tell from looking in the codebase (meaning, why it wouldn't work on getServerSideProps or middleware)
30 Replies
Darioโ€ข13mo ago
that's simply because it imports server-only and I noticed that that never works in the Pages router so in order to have a nicer DX with the App router (which anyways is the recommended one) we chose to "sacrifice" the Pages router there PS: from my point of view it is quite baffling that server-only doesn't work with stuff like getServerSideProps... but it does not ASAIK.... please let me know if I've missed something and there's actually away to import server-only modules from there ๐Ÿ™‚
juanferrerasOPโ€ข13mo ago
hey Dario! thanks so much for the response. yeah I missed that on my initial message โ€“ I was making server-only resolve to null already. It does seem simply updating to 1.10.0 it does work as expected on pages router PS: agreed and you're correct - the whole server-only thing works due to the bundler importing differently on app router, so I don't think there's an easy way to fix. Not sure there's any flags Next.js is exposing, probably not given incremental migration from pages=>app is possible
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
@Dario I spent quite some time trying to figure out why I could not access the cf context in getServerSideProps and eventually landed after quite some time. Is this limitation documented somewhere except from in this conversation?
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
๐Ÿ˜“ sorry about that.... I am not sure if it's documented.... I'll have a look ๐Ÿค” by the way, in getServerSideProps you should be able to use process.env ๐Ÿ™‚
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
and it being defined in as process.env.cf.country? I am looking to be able to redirect users based on if they are in US or not, so I was hoping to use the cf.country property to render different pages depending on where the user is located. And sorry @Dario for the tone in my initial message - it is all good and thanks for all the hard work.
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
no don't worry I totally get how frustrating this sort of stuff can be, but the feedback is always appreciated ๐Ÿ™ yes! ๐Ÿ™‚ no! sorry...... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ process.env is only for env... cf is accessible only in getRequestContext....
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
and getRequestContext is only working in app router, right?
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
can you set up a middleware?
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
I think I should be able to do that yes, we're using next-on-pages and deploying to cloudflare
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
yeah.... I mean, only in server side code (it uses server-only) and Next.js doesn't seem to recognize getServerSideProps as server-only code! ๐Ÿ˜“
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
but we're using pages router for everything right now so not sure
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
I see....
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
I am thinking about implementing a simple app/page.tsx that does the re-routing to pages/us.tsx or rest of world (thanks for being this responsive, truly helpful!)
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
no hopefully would wouldn't have to do that ๐Ÿ˜“ I think you could just use a middleware.... let me give it a quick try.... alternatively we can expose cf in process.env.... I would really really prefer not to but that's still a possibility to support use cases such as yours
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
yeah, I don't know all internals of your cloudflare and the risks involved with exposing cf.. so can't speak on the risks, but having cf accessable in getServerSideProps would open up for a lot of functionality for people still stuck with the Pages Router. I think this PR had a good idea but again, not sure about the risks involved: https://github.com/cloudflare/next-on-pages/pull/658 Thanks @Dario for pointing me in the middleware direction. I got this to work locally, but will test it deploying it for preview.

import { getRequestContext } from '@cloudflare/next-on-pages'
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
const context = getRequestContext()
const country = context.cf.country

if (country == 'US') return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/us', request.url))
else return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/rest', request.url))

// See "Matching Paths" below to learn more
export const config = {
matcher: '/',

import { getRequestContext } from '@cloudflare/next-on-pages'
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
const context = getRequestContext()
const country = context.cf.country

if (country == 'US') return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/us', request.url))
else return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/rest', request.url))

// See "Matching Paths" below to learn more
export const config = {
matcher: '/',
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
yeah sorry for the delayed response I was implementing a quick app for that and yeah it does look like you should be able to use the middleware no problem ๐Ÿ™‚
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
I was thinking; could this be a simple way to inject cf to all requests using the middleware? and then let the original path handle the request
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
yeah... ๐Ÿค” ok one sec and I can share something...
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
I am realizing this approach doesn't enforce the routing since a user could just go to /us
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
you could make your middleware match all the top level routes and always perform the check/redirect no?
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
anyways, a sort of generic good-enough solution could be something like this: https://github.com/dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example what do you think?
GitHub - dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-...
Contribute to dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
this utility given a cookies string returns the cf object set there: https://github.com/dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example
GitHub - dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-...
Contribute to dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example/middleware.ts at m...
Contribute to dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example/pages/index.tsx at...
Contribute to dario-piotrowicz/next-on-pages-pages-router-use-cf-object-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
wow, you really created a whole project to help me, truly appreciated! one question; could it be problematic exposing the cf parameters in a cookie, exposed to users?
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
no I don't think so.... but yeah better safe than sorry, we can just use headers instead of cookies ๐Ÿ™‚
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
yeah using a cookie was not the best idea, simply the first thing that came to my mind ๐Ÿ˜… (PS: of course mine is just an example and the code there could be made more robust and validation could be in place, but it's just to convey the idea that you can get the cf object somewhat not too painfully in your Pages router app ๐Ÿ™‚ )
reimertzโ€ข11mo ago
Thanks so much - you really helped me unlock this and deliver somehting on a very short deadline. Truly appreciated โค๏ธ
Darioโ€ข11mo ago
no problem, I'm happy I managed to help out ๐Ÿ™‚ we can always discuss adding built-in support for this later too, but as I said I would prefer not to, and if a workaround like this is not too painful I'd likely keep things as they are ๐Ÿค” (especially since the Pages router is not the recommended one)

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