On JF Tracks and Reconnecting (in React)
So I noticed a few things about the react-sdk and JF tracks in general. Note I have react code that works identical to the videoroom demo.
If you're connected to a jellyfish room and then abruptly refresh the browser, a new set of media device ids are created which causes a new set of addTrack calls. I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or this is intended, but
since new ids are created, new tracks are added to the peer on refresh without being able to remove the old ones since any clean-up code is never fired on refresh. And even when I disconnect gracefully, the removeTrack call fails as described below.
I'm not able to reliably call removeTrack() despite giving it valid local Ids. during development, I have consistently hit these bang operators https://github.com/jellyfish-dev/membrane-webrtc-js/blob/7fbb3123fc1870b974061a9309d4f2512721b253/src/webRTCEndpoint.ts#L1244 in remove and replace tracks, but the tracks are there locally and on the server. I guess the behavior I am expecting is if the peer disconnects, either the old tracks are removed, or they are somehow reused again when they reconnect, but neither happens
membrane-webrtc-js/src/webRTCEndpoint.ts at 7fbb3123fc1870b974061a9...
Official JS/TS client library for Membrane RTC Engine - jellyfish-dev/membrane-webrtc-js
10 Replies
Overall my question would be how can I ensure that if the peer is reconnecting with the same microphone and camera, the jellyfish state uses the same tracks, or at least removes the old tracks. Currently it just appends the new tracks to the peer tracks and infinitely grows. I feel like I am doing something wrong to cause the local device track ids to completely change across refreshes, hot reloads, reconnects etc?
Hi đź‘‹,
I’ve just reproduced your error in these steps:
1. Create a room
2. Create a peer
3. Connect
4. Add track
5. Disconnect
6. Now, the Jellyfish server indicates that this peer is disconnected and has one track.
This is an error and we will fix that soon. I'll let you know when we finish

What's more, we’re currently working on a connecting mechanism. We plan to fix some errors as well as add the ability to reconnect.
Great, I appreciate the quick response and looking forward to potential improvements to connect / reconnecting.
Since you're here, one thing I am struggling with is trying to fit all the connection, disconnection, and track management into the lifecycles of React. With how often React is rerendering within the
hook, and other places that involve media device hooks, sometimes effects run twice, or many times for no consistent reason, causing duplicate things to happen like addTrack that should really have only happened once.
I have been toiling with different ways to make the hook more deterministic but I think one part of it is how often the reference to the browser device encapsulated in useCameraResult
is "changing" seemingly and changes to the values.
Have you guys experienced this as well?I noticed this person made some attempts at improving the consistency of connectivity and state here with his separate
which seemed to yield some good results overall the issues still persisted for me. https://github.com/jellyfish-dev/jellyfish_videoroom/blob/9b21ef76b39aa88b86fbce3d9054370e3823ebf7/assets/src/pages/room/hooks/useMembraneMediaStreaming.tsx#L137
Are these the things you're aiming to fix with the upcoming connecting mechanism?GitHub
Contribute to jellyfish-dev/jellyfish_videoroom development by creating an account on GitHub.
We have fixed the issue of tracks remaining after peer disconnecting.
We have released new JF version 0.4.2 with the bugfix: https://github.com/jellyfish-dev/jellyfish/releases/tag/v0.4.2
So now, if peer disconnects you have to add the tracks once again when the peer reconnects.
Release v0.4.2 · jellyfish-dev/jellyfish
Fixed tracks not being removed after WebRTC peer disconnects
Right now, our device manager (for toggling camera, microphone, and screen share) doesn’t emit any events. As a developer, you need to listen to state changes to be able to detect important events like “camera track is available” or “camera stopped”. React's strict mode invokes
two times, complicating matters even further. We plan to emit events on every important state change. I want to propose a fix that would include events in it during the following week, so if you could wait a few days, I would suggest doing so.
If you can’t wait, I have a few ideas:
- You could disable useMembraneMediaStreaming and set autoStreaming: true, preview: false
in useSetupMedia
. It should automatically add media tracks when the user connects to the Jellyfish.
- If you have problems only in development mode, you could disable strict mode for a while and enable it when we release an update.
- You could use useRef
to store some additional data that will help you identify if a particular track is in the right state.Nice thank you
Ah yeah moving toward an event based approach instead of reactionary with useEffects should make it really smooth. I can wait no problem. I appreciate your help, also will attempt the change with
thank you
Hey @kamilstasiak I've been following your experimental changes on the ts-sdk and react sdk. I was wondering what your thoughts on it so far are? Are the changes working as you envisioned and solving some of the complications with connecting / reconnecting / race conditions / device state? Do you plan on merging them soon or is there still more to be done?Hi, yes, it solves a majority of problems and simplifies the code significantly. I've removed a lot of code in jellyfish-videoroom. I believe I'll finish releasing it today
I released a new version. You can check it out: https://github.com/fishjam-dev/react-client-sdk. This version is used here: https://github.com/fishjam-dev/fishjam-videoroom/blob/main/assets/src/features/devices/LocalPeerMediaContext.tsx
Thanks I think I'll be making the migration relatively soon. Is this todo about a potential
event something I should consider? https://github.com/fishjam-dev/fishjam-videoroom/blob/main/assets/src/features/devices/LocalPeerMediaContext.tsx#L152
Also I am curious about these IceErrorEvents that happen every time a client joins or reconnects. They happen in the fishjam demo too.
From my quick look into it the console errors seem to happen directly along side these errors from the JF logs