what is AD and how do i get it?
is ad just xp or something LOL

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well sort of, you get 1AP for completing a match + 1AP for every 6 seconds played, and if you win the match you earn an additional 50 AP
19 Replies
ap* mb
I mean what else would it be?
whys it called ap bro
why are u even answering if ur not sure bro
waitt so AP is account points
and u gain them for playtime..
so basically i just play the longest gamemode?
well sort of, you get 1AP for completing a match + 1AP for every 6 seconds played, and if you win the match you earn an additional 50 AP
oh dang
you get highly boosted amounts for accounts below level 10 and you also get bonus 1000 AP for your first win of the day
how much ap do i get for 30 mins
cause my vbrain cant do the math rn
the amount you get from playtime is rather bad
so basically
this will take me a LOT o ftime
basically, if your goal is to reach lvl 20 then just make sure to always do your daily win and play short time games
is what ur saying
yeah 20..
im 16 rn
like deathmatch, team deathmatch, swiftplay or spike rush
by any chance do u know how much more ap i need?
until 20
holy sheet
yeah it can be a pain to get level 20, but its all to stop people from making a crazy amount of smurfs and to make sure you understand the game fully before queueing for competitive
yeah trying my best :D
i hope i can get good some day :(