fps drop when I see enemy
Whenever I see an enemy my fps plummets
I have done almost everything to optimize the game and it gets 60 constant sometimes without anything in bg but as soon as I there is even slight background activity the fps drops like crazy and game keeps hanging whenever there are too many things to load like ability or players.
Laptop: core i5 8th gen
63 Replies
i have this issue too
Did you fix it?
nope idk how to fix it
i wish tho
gtx 1050 ti
Ig it's something to do with the processor
In 2021 I tried the game on a i7 and it worked just fine even without a GPU but it seems that a mid low end CPU can't handle valorant efficently
maybe idk
boost again
ur laptop seems fine
try lowering ur resolution in-game
and in video settings, make ur screen size to fullscreen and not windowed or windowed fullscreen
fullscreen just fucks up my monitor idk why
is ur monitor extra wide
like define
"fucks up"
like elaborate
no it's native but it likes changing resolution to like 800x600 for some reason
this is my screen size if i fullscreen

whats wrong with that

idk why it does this
U playing on windowed?
no, windowed fullscreen
fullscreen does that
i genuinely don't know how to fix it and it's confusing af
click this

and set it to some settings lower
it makes ur resolution lower
so ur computer doesnt have to generate that many pixels per second
so itll give u more frames
frames is not the issue, it's just that its literally lagging if i see an enemy
your frames drop
u mean as in ur ping spikes
or ur frames drop
when u see an enemy
frames drop
so thats the only fix i know
lowering ur res
doing 1080x1080 does the same thing
if u lower it by like 2 notches u wont rlly see a difference tbh
Please set the custom resolution to your native resolution
it is
to native
apparently disabling monitor drivers makes valorant confused and sets it to my main monitor to native
Wait so the issue is fixed?
in a cursed way, yes
That's great
What is your native resolution?
It may be an issue with that, or of course just the drivers
using the latest nvidia drivers
Valorant / Fortnite - FULLSCREEN PROBLEM FIX
Hello, I show you how to fix the fullscreen problem on Valorant, Fortnite and other games
Weird problem but very easy to fix
heres the video that fixed it for me
You could delete your config files
Is your fix permanent?
wont fix it, did reset my pc
Or does it stop if you restart the game
nope, have to disable monitor drivers every restart
pc restart, or game
Go here and open the file to get your account id
yeah i know
i tried every fix, didnt work
except that
No I just want you to send it to me
it just doesn’t want to work
yea i dont have access to my pc rn im in bed
I'm not asking you to delete it
Deleting it will just restore it from the cloud save
valorant moment
If there is a natural problem with it it needs to be edited manually
I've seen issues where the in-game menu doesn't respond when in full screen
for some reason valorant keeps changing my gameusersettings
idk why
That file is just for logging purposes and isn't actually used as a config file
So changing it won't do anything
But that does not apply to the display file
GameUserSettings . ini
^ Is for your actual display settings
this is kinda irrelevant to the title
While RiotUserSettings . ini
yeah that
Is a fake config file
valorant moment