Any Riot Dev Here Can Help Me ??
i made a ticket to roit and i said every thing happend that i wasn t playing on the account at all and some played for me like for 30 games and he even lost and the account got banned after all that they send me this stupid massage like they did even read my massaige ?
672 Replies

How about u show the reply they sent u before this?
any one ?
that the first one
or u want the one i sent ?
It clearly says they have replied to you before
nah there bots answerd the before bots this is the first ticker they answer me
like i swear i did nothing and i got banned
i can send u what i send them
Your appeal was denied do not make another ticket

and that mean that i lost my account for ever ? @Saucywan
for rlly nothing ?
Do you know who played on the account?
nah i don t and thats iam trying to say
and also my pc got virsued and alot of things happend i can t control
and they just bumped me
now i lost 500$ dollars for nothing
That's annoying but I can't do anything
ye i rlly want to reach a riot dev he maybe help me right ?
or i just keep doing tickets ?
Your tickets will be blacklisted
why ?
On this server they won't even go through
oh totally nice
Meaning that it won't be possible for anyone to respond to you because your ticket doesn't exist
so what rlly should i do ?
Wait four months until you can play again
what ?
Your hwid banned
i care abt the money i lost man
fuk riot for real
i get banned for nothing
but i think iam not
will this matter any way ?
Yes because that means you won't be able to play at all
no i don t think i do
but i still want the account
like last 40 games wasn t me playing
It's impossible
they can just see the ip of players ?
like lol
You can also change your ip
You could also use a vpn
You could use a different computer
You can make it look like you're using a different computer
isn t weird that i lose most of my games with hacks ?
like if i used hacks why the fuking my last 20 games is lost.
I thought you said somebody else was playing on your account?
but the ban is for cheating
like if this guy cheated why he lose ?
and i still don t know some ppl told me that the virus on my pc did this
Anyway, have a good day
but like if the virsus did this is this fair ?
ok man ty
do u know any way to reach a dev ?? @Saucywan
But they won't be able to help you
You have to go through the ticket system
tell me
no my tickets is still can go through i think
like may put ur self in my shoe thats so unfair i swear i never used kind of cheats or hacks
I can guarantee I would never be banned
why ?
like i thoght that too what makes u so sure ?
Everyone saying that it's a false ban is lying
Because I know the people that designed it
Trust me there aren't a lot of false positives
And I have really really sus stuff on my computer
mmmmm so what can i do so the support beleive me
they can scan my whole pc history if they want
Stuff that would probably be flagged as cheats. But I've never been banned
Vanguard caught you cheating
You can't do anything about that
like if they found 1 hack program was on my pc before iam okay with the ban
It did, that's why you're banned
iam wasn t the one who played last 39 ganes
ye and iam sure there is not thats why i want them to check it again
wait can i refund my money back ???
And if you tried that would be a fraud
you said u know how to reach devs right ?? @Saucywan
Yes I'm in contact with them every day
But I'm not going to extend a hand to you
There was a ban wave two days ago
ye and spending money like that and losing money like that isn t fraud
You agreed to it when playing
and maybe that means iam not guilty ?
ye but they said u get a deserveed bans
The banwave was specifically targeting, people who are using DMA devices
what dma stand for ?
Direct memory access
ok tbh i still don t get what is wrong with that
A device has access to your computer's memory
and that means iam not guilty
.like why will i let any one to hack me
why u still not get it my pc was hacked and was doing creepy errors and stuff
iam not the reason of that why should i pay for it ?
anyways why can t u just let me reach a dev :? or u can just tell them abt me i will be greatful
because its rlly unfair
@jidat I'm curious on your opinion
he is a silent watcher dont disturb hum
@Saucywan what abt these ?
Opinion on what?
If he got false banned or not?
Sure why not
What do you think
what abt we make a vote to all server ?
Lets see this by his "perspective"
would be nice that iam the joke here 😄
any ways there is nothing i can do life is not fair
ye sure
His account was being played by someone else on a different pc, they used cheats the account got banned. They did nothing wrong
and? what else
lol man i had 10000 VP on my account for the next bundle
plus my pc was accally hacked with that trojan agent thing so i rlly don t know how iam banned and also that guy used my pc was losing alot of game how u use cheats and lose .?
I will have to ask this tho
@$-SecretZSaif-$ how did the 30 games u say went un noticed by you?
i was busy i had exams this 2 weeks so i wasn t opening valorant
Thats too convenient don't u think?
and i acally didn t se them until i saw that iam banned so i checked the tracker
bro who would hack your pc and go on valorant
ye i do but accally what happend i swear
So true
ye thats why i recomend that guy use cheats
Ok lemme ask u this
and he losed with it such noob tbh
How did ur pc get hacked?
Or ur valo account i should sag
my younger brother was download a file
idk abt the val account how it was hacked
@jidat Do you think I should help?
Now that you formed your opinion
but the pc my younger brother i think
why not lol .?
How old is ur younger brother?
11 ?
Cuz there is a 80% chance u r lying
iam 16 btw
man tbh, if this is what you're gonna tell support
And he downloaded a file?
they aint helping
Those are really easy way of checking
To check
ye what is hard with that .?
he is not 7 man
they finna say its your responsibility
So why did he download it?
What even was the file
i know iam idoit to say this
he was trying to download turbo pizza and another fish game
And how do u know ur younger brother downloaded a file that got ur pc hacked?
my antivurus
so it got blocked?
Ur antivirus did what?
and acally the pc started to freeze etc after they started to play the game
he just blocked it and i didn t care
after the ban i wanted to leave them as a evedince
if it got blocked it never got access to anything
but the pc was accally ding in this point
it detects viruses before installing them
so i removed them but i have screen shots
Most of the time yeah
ye and my bro did already install
hes young man and i wasn t home he will sure go for install
idk man
ima leave this to hrs
iam not that old btw iam 16
So ur story goes something like this

yep my man
this is some errors and massages
@Saucywan u still here my guy ?
forget abt my messy disk btw
u still watch our massaiges ?
U didn't open ur pc for 2 weeks cuz u had exams and ur brother in those 2 weeks downloaded a file that got ur pc hacked and god knows how ur valorant got hacked then u open ur pc 2 weeks later and see ur id banned and somehow know ur brother did all that
@$-SecretZSaif-$ when did ur exam start?
And when it ended
last weak sunday
and will end tmorrw
tbh idk how my account was hacked i think the gmail but after the first time i changed all password do they still have accees to this ?
They shouldn't have access to it
like be real guys with me do i sound a lier ?
Yea u do
Give me ur tracker
like because if i reached a dev guy he will help me ?
If u make him believe ur story then maybe
like man how this career can be cheating
so why u think lie ?

no hacks, all skill
after that ?
why u even select those ?
like he played more than 20 game and u choosed this
@$-SecretZSaif-$ what agent do u main
Answer in 5 seconds or u guilty :val_CatBigStare:
jett most of the time
some time reyna too
@Saucywan @jidat WHAT DO YOU THINK ??
When was the last time u played a match?
mmmmmm i was dimound 😄
After that u didn't open valorant for 2 weeks
on the 0 rr
ye i was dimound
i did from maybe 6 days to buy i skin i wanted
thats the last time
i have shop tracker on my mobile
When did ur brothe install the file?
it was when i first time i changed the password i think
because he came telling me trying to help him
Why did u change the password?
but u know who accally help his father
Who is this and why did you play with them ^
man don t you get it ? at the first time i deranked from d1 to p2 and its not me
and somehow he still had access to the account
@$-SecretZSaif-$ Answer please
i don t know who is that
the most guys i play with and i know is
only them i know in real
beside some another pll but these guy who i play with the most
@Saucywan why is this usful?
why espaitally this miro account ?
What about them
i rlly don t know them
You play with them awfully a lot
or maybe if i do i found them in random games
not ppl i know in real
i thnk i play with yuno and the accounts i sent u
but the others is just randoms found in game
Well anyway I'm bored now
and i use them for good team
U r playing with akeno here

ye same
ye thats the ppl i know
And the date is after u supposedly left the game
For ur exams
that game was after i changed the password
ye and ??
U still didn't answer me
bro is defo lying LOL
ye man what is the problem ?
Why and when did u change ur password
i changed it after i deranked to plat 2 then i played 2 or 3 games thats the last time i opend val only for one time i did to buy a skin and maybe 1 custom after i changed the pass
but like the last 20 games not me so how is that normal ? ?
Give me a date
i don t know accally a date
it was after i got plat 2 man
Was it before or after ur exam
the plat 2 ?
The password change
ye ye i remember i think
it was wensday last week if i get it right
Before or after.
So 7 days ago?
in the middle i played that day because my parnets wasn t home
and from that day i didn t open until i found reaver op in my shop
all this info to just prove iam not guilty ?
@jidat @Saucywan
Here is a game u played with miro 7 days ago

ye thats not me
iam sure abt it
ye so that right after i stopped playing
When did ur brother install the file u said?
idk when exaclly but it was like 10 days ago
So ur game was running fine after 3 days of him installing the file and u changing the password?
man no it was fine and i ranked up to d1 and when i was on my deranked i closed the game and wensday i saw that iam plat 2 so i changed password
after that the errors started to apear and tbh i didn t mind at first
what do you think ??? @Saucywan
This seems like a long conversation for someone that banned
you said there is ADM ban wave
huh ? what u mean ?
A who?
i dont rember what it was
its just the wave u said
@$-SecretZSaif-$ can u install the riot repair tool and share ur logs?
and i think i got the ban 3 days ago because i started doing tickets from 4 mar
ye sure send me the link
@Saucywan send the link :val_CatBigStare:
they tryna hack your banned account
im playin
Am I making the same loop gain or what ? 😂
Now let’s try on Fortnite
Hi <3
Any way I will try what is the problem
how are hacks even detected in logs?
good evening
I have nothing to lose
Hlo :val_CatBigStare:
also hello mr kaneki
What should I do now ?
I guess you could say you really 'hacked' your way into trouble, huh?
send the logs
Ha ha
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
Looks like you're not just hacking the game, but also hacking your way out of playing it!
gotta keep the convo going
To you ?
Isn’t this wrong ?
Idk is it not legal?
Did you really get banned from Valorant for hacking? Or were you just outplayed?
Don't be stupid
Because iam just stupid
Guess the ban hammer hit you harder than your aimbot hit your opponents
now imagine it was just a roblox hack
Me still waiting for the logs
It’s funny but it’s on me
Idk the network dissconc and talking from phon

1 sec pls
Why iam so dam unlucky like that
its not that (dont ask me how i know)
I had one 8 months ago
So, how's life as a temporary spectator in Valorant?
Will it ban me now ?
the convo is actually entertaining
no offence but i feel like u wanted to hit dia badly and just downloaded cheats
plus ur 16 so u probably bought it urself mayb
judge, objection!
I don t even have PayPal
Well, on the bright side, at least you've got a new story to tell: "The Tale of the Banned Valorant Player."
Ty man
Ye sure
np man
You have like two minutes
Before I just close this post
u a mod?
noone mod here
only red names
He said he know devs
he knows me too
just letting you know incase u wanted to know
Man the tool stopped ?
The files are on your desktop
And a folder named riot logs
Send me both of the zipped folders
!9 ye I see it
It’s not zipped
And it still
bro finna reset his logs
watch them be empty

Like rlly all life against me
let me get my speedtest pic from yesterday rq

Discord stopped from no where
I only had two hundred ping playing on Tokyo servers

My normal ping is 74
i was playing on the lowest ping server :Clueless:
Now ?
One sec
How even u know the right logs and the wrong ?
he is the newest AI on the server
programmed to know
Take ur time
But both so much
Am I the most ticket in activity here !
I'll probably receive a response with the next thirty minutes
yes you are the most active ticket
From Riot
yo saucy
That means there are chance I get my account back ?
riot buddy when @Saucywan
not really no
Sausy ur sus i think u are a root dev
i can be your riot buddy geniux
Ty for killing my hopes 🥲
he sused you out
you welcome! :franksmile:
Let’s make a vote
Who thinks suasy is a dev ?
You have secure boot on correct?
huh ?
what is that ?
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

Am I a dummy ?
Those are some next level photography skills
Ok 🥲
Iam not sad btw
Skipping the only thing that we wanted to see
I thought that’s my pc info ?
So it’s not good to see

show the entire thing
(dont blur it out)
(we wont hack you)
(totally not)
Iam not sure
do u want us to help u or not
@Saucywan can i send it private ?
u seem very evasive as if ur tryna hide something
I can literally perfectly read that
I just don’t t fell it’ss safe
its just ur pc hardware
ye what now ?? @Saucywan
windows 10
ye i don t like 11
u have secure boot off
@$-SecretZSaif-$ how many fps do u get?
what is that even ?

why ?
just answer it
Just asking
were not evil yk
60 to 80
i play on 60 fps 😦
i think i have spent on valorant more than the pc 😄
@jidat Inside of the required dependency error and in the documentation can you run a driver signature verification
its and old junkey pc
What gpu do u have?
Gtx 1050 ti
what that means ?
can someone help me w/ this #fps drop when I see enemy
this is like the only active thread
we will just 1 min
i think u can see vids
@Saucywan what is wrong with me my man ??
Idrk how to do that lol
Bro I have been reading this for like the past hour
ty guys ur rlly invistgated more than the support lol
I have it written in the documentation
Very funny thread
Under the required dependency
can you explain to me ?
what u mean ?
All of our support agents have access to the documentation of my creation
took me 3 minuites to get through it
ye and ?
am i guilty ?
I have been on and off discord
Is it the autorun one?
First if failed
wow my first ppl to help me is genusis
Ok sure
and what do you mean brother ?
Why are you slowly removing your messages
i don t like that i write and no one respone
anyways u have any news ?
ill respond to them
ty marco cat
i want to ask abt a thing @everyone
just ask
why those ppl on tiktok who get streamers and use hacks don t get banned ? like there name is revealed to every one
they do get banned
tiktok streams are 99% pre recorded
very fast
lol man i watch a guy for 4 months until now
he don t even hide his name
so they make people think its live, that the cheat works. but they dont, people buy access and get banned
streamer makes money
nice but only 1 thing
i got banned for just watching ?
i didn t even get the hacks name
i know iam just jk
i can t even buy them
becuase i don t have any way to pay with
so you tried?
nope but i just can t buy them
so its imposible
i mean
ig hes saying he doesnt even have acess to cheats
even if he wanted to
but still ur story sus asf
i can t
i know
because iam idoit asf
but i swear iam not guilty
when can i make an bank account ?
what man all of us did that
i didnt (im old enough anyway)
how old do u even have to be
i will be 16 in 10 days
ooh happy early birthday!
13 for val
ye 😄
oh its not that bad
i thought i need to be 16
tho i hear like 10 year olds on the game
im sorry boys, but i just realized something. i will stop talking to that guy and will block
lied for nothing

what did u find sucy ?
i read it
but didnt even read what he quoted
friend suggestion 😄
*(the person he quoted)
wait isn t him acally smart man asf
he almost won a fight against all the world
yeah he also killed a bunch of people
but yeah you can say he's smart by manipulating and toruting people
its just discord bio
that what acally happens in plastine now
best wishes for them
you should stop talking
ik but it shows how little respect you have for the people who died
by joking about it
no i don t joke abt it
well you clearly dont take it seriously
i just see the man that hes so smart it doesn t mean hes not guilty
ye its just a discord bio
oh nice name what is ur rank ?

i don t defend him
he is bad guy
you just did
but also smart u can t change that fact
man i don t support him for sure
like lol
by calling him smaart, you are admiring him, and him i mean the guy who literally caused so many deaths and suffering to people
i dont care if he was smart or not, what he did was wrong in any way possible
and he have good quotes tnh
am i wrong to see that he is smart ?
he is bad person but also smart i can t lie man
in this context 100%
stop talking
ye because this will ban me i think
There's no way I'm reading all of this
not useful
just on my bio
@$-SecretZSaif-$ You play lol correct?
u have any news abt the logs ?
not that much i just tried it for 17 games maybe
but i acally i know nothing abt it
yasso is king 😄
How many people use your pc?
And do they play the game?
just me and my bro like once a week
no he plays fifa and some stupid car games
i have forza and he plays city car driving
Win + r, open: sigverif
Click start, and wait until finished
nothing to say
man wait a sec what u willl do with that much info ?
Read it
Unless you want my verdict now?
But I would advise you to give me it
ok i will give u the info u want
but u will send them to riot dev ?
or what will u do with them ?
They already have been
ok thats so nice
Click on advanced, then view log
what now ?
U run forza on an i3 4120?
U never answered me, what graphics card do u have?
thats the reason i don t play it 😄
GTX 1050 ti
@Saucywan what now ?
Send the file
what file ?
ok i see it
but where can i find it ?
When you click on advanced it will give you the path
it doesn t
U sure ?
i send u a photo
what now ??
now what ??
imagne if u hack me now and i was helping you
but tbh all things have a d to valorant so i kind of trust u
huh .?
my antivuris says
i have saucy agent on my pc
jk anyways
Upon reviewing your logs, I've determined that there is no evidence of cheats or any suspicious activity on your computer. However, it's plausible that such elements may have been removed by either the user of your computer or yourself. I've identified alterations to the Windows installation indicative of potential malware, along with modifications to the League of Legends and Riot Client installation. I anticipate providing additional information within the next 10 minutes or, at the latest, within the next hour. Kindly await further details during this timeframe for an update.
so ?
read it.
what will happen ?
i did
but no clear answer like they still don t trust me
my god
malware i already deleted it
"providing additional information within the next 10 minutes or, at the latest, within the next hour. Kindly await further details during this timeframe for an update."
the antivirus did
ye so there chance i get unbanned ?
^ This is my review by the way
Maybe I forgot to mention that
so there is a hope or no ?
Again, please wait
@$-SecretZSaif-$ Hm, how many tickets did you post
oh oops 10+
but only one that real guy answerd me
will it impact ?? @Saucywan
Impact what?
on my chances
nvm any ways so we will wait abt 10 mins right ?
and tysm for helping me btw
any news ???????
"providing additional information within the next 10 minutes or, at the latest, within the next hour."
it has barely been 15 minuites
ty there is already 21 mins from that
any ways i will study that time i have exam tmmrw
okay good luck on the exam!
ty 😄
@jidat Have fun :D
what happend .? @Saucywan
idk why i feel like you hacking me ?
@jidat Let's go
huh ?
Uh so
I'm ready for this great response
what is happening here
Watch you just copy and paste it
Wait actually don't that's confidential
You need to paraphrase it
There isn't enough evidence of ur account getting hacked, and it happened too conveniently just when ur exam started, even just after a few hours u stopped playing val. So we can't do anything about the ban.
Not bad
"However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the absence of clarity regarding the account's hacking status complicates this assessment."
"the current status of the account's hacking remains inconclusive due to a lack of substantial evidence. While there are indicators pointing towards a potential compromised account, we can't confidently determine that."
^ Some cut out parts
The hacker possibly couldn't have known u weren't gonna open ur pc for a week cuz u had exams
ha ?
i opened it and my bro did
but i wasn t playing the game
but does it matter ?
You were sharing an account?
no but the google account who got hacked had the password saved
but i changed the password after the first time some one played on the account
can t u check the ip history who played on the account ?
ok and now what to do ? @Saucywan @jidat ?
"If there are any specific actions I can take or additional information needed from my end, please let me know."
ok like what ?
and i think i can get it for him
Ip addresses are easily faked
and idk how i do this
ok so what i can do now ?
what they need now to unban me ?
You were banned for cheating
That is 100% percent true
There's literally nothing you can do
If you're telling the truth and someone did hack your account, They did a very good job on covering their traces
Oh fuk
They went as far as contacting ur school when the exams were happening :val_KEKW:
I have the viruses screenshots
I would ask anyone that had access to your account
Because it's pretty possible, they downloaded hacks
Wait a min
Can someone get into my account with the Gmail after I already changed his password?
It got hacked before all of that but I changed the password
Or it’s just maybe one thing could have been happened
My laptop
Maybe some one had access on it ?
That's up to you to figure out
I can send u the logs of it
Now we can make it fast I know what to do
Mmmmm hey my guy I think I know what happens now
Send me the link of the repair tool pls
U deleted it alrdy?
If I delete the virus will it appear that I hade malware before ?

See that what I get
I just restarted the pc
Want me to do check now without removing it ?
bro this is funny af
I try now without blocking virus

Unless you fully deleted it it should still be on your computer
i see
Ye I did
shut yo hoe ass up
Or nah I have it
Just a sec
Installing it
Where did you come from
Ye lol
We ain't gon be hearing from mandem for quite some time after this :val_CatBigStare:
Wait min guys
Logs are ready
I hate after logs ?
Win r and what ?
You don't need to send that
Oh ok
I need the logs only ?
Send via dms
@jidat but if i do use cheats why didn t i get hwid ban ??
so you did cheat?
nah that crazy
bro got caught in 4k
Try using a different account
lol u idoit ?
i mean the other way like i ask
i did all good
i hopped in range
and it was ok 😄
its just the account who got banned not my pc
Going to a real game and wait until the end of the game
Your PC should’ve been hardware banned
or its just someone else used the account man
That’s not how that works
The hardware ID is tied to the account owner
And of course, all subsequent IDs logged in
mmmm so if i prove that the account is mine the account should be unbanned
why if the cheats was not my pc
and i don t have hwid ban
so that means another pc used it and got banned
so if i prove that it wasn t me iam good to go
right ?
@Saucywan ???
It’s going right past your head
so what ?
ok man
so now what should i do ?
like rlly its so ezz i jjust need to prove that i wasn t the one who played on the account
When you were banned, can you show me your ban message
ye sure

thats it only
Yeah, that’s what I thought
You are hardware id banned
how ?
and for what ?
How many tickets did you open?
why u ask ?
abt 4 maybe or 6 but all of them was bots who answer
youre clearly 12 bro
hes lying bruh you can tell 😂
@$-SecretZSaif-$ you wasted @Saucywan’s time
L mans
bruh what should i do i just didn t do any thing to get banned like wtf its not my fault that roit have idoits who give ppl ban for nothing
Life isn’t fair
like you said
I one time got my val acc hacked
luckily he didn’t do anything bad(like use hacks)
just unfriended all my friends, changed settings, and password/email
ye u did spend at it that kind of money ??
like i wasted money for nothing
I only spended 40
nice i did abt 200$
and got banned for nothing
and like lol my pc i fine just the account who got banned
move away from valorant
go play Minecraft
or smth like that game
can a shop tracker take my account info ?? it happpend before and i recover it
Life gets better👍
and can t riot just see who logged on the account ???
What the hell is happening here
I can safely just tell you, he was making up the story
on the way to tell you
I can kinda interpret his story
in an english grammatical way
if he is even 16
Yeah, I know
He was playing Val and then got to Diamond 1, right after he just so happened to have exams and most likely his brother knew that, so bro went to his computer installed a trojan and hacked his 30 games of val. A day before exams, the guy decided tgo hop on and chill and play val and then he got banned.
Main inconsistencies is the fact that he was just making stuff up and mixing up dates a lot
sayign he also has a laptop which he has never mentioned before of. And in NO WAY, his little brother BOUGHT cheats for Val, hid all the
cheat logs, and just got his password all i na matter of 2 weeks
Fact he was also asking about "what if I cheat" questions, its just clear he hacked
he may be right but wrong at the saem time. I have 0 clue on whether Raw Accel or ValCC is still detected as a modifier for val but not sure. He couldve used one of those and just got banned but less likely
i mean you did most likely cheat 🤷♂️ So you just kinda lied and wasted Saucy's precious time
i swear i didn t use any valorant cheat
but why u waste ur time like that ?
you most likely did
and i rlly don t know why iam banned but all i know that i banned because of virsu
and i wish it can be unbanned
lol if i cheated why would i waste my time then
As your common questions was all about cheating such as How do ppl not get banned after cheating on tt live, or if I cheat do I get hwid banned if it wasnt on my pc stuff like that
you could say same for many crimes
to cover up tracks and look innocent
not true
ye so why i didn t get hwid banned
@Saucywan analystic mind Looked at riot logs and said no cheats were detected
you did
are you like okay in the head?
man idc rlly
i will get my account bacck anyways
for you cheating
and clearly in the description of ban
it said no reverse ban
and permanent
bruh man i rlly sick of this
ur not usfull and just griffing here
you can technically sue them if you care abt 200$ that much that was wasted on your fault
lol man
you did cheat
you prob didnt read the Riot's TOS
i don t have cheats for valorant
can i pc check?
my pc ??
using teamviewer
and if i was right ??
i mean
ok and if i was right ?
at the end of the daym you still wont be banned and dont have much proof as since youre "16"you know how to empty a recycle bin on windows
the Anti Virus isnt any sort of proof
only way is if depends
if you got hardware + ip ban then need to move and get new pc part/pc overall
is there any chance i get unbanned
or just miraculosly show them amazing proof
youyre clearly under the age of 10
i don t have ip ban
you sure?
then only way is to just get new pc and new val acc
and you can play
lol are u idoit ?
i say i don t have harware ban
idoit 😂
yes you do

i can open stream rn when i open val
that doesnt work like that
i can get in game also
yeah youre already making up stuff
i can stream for you if u need
are you EU ME or NA?
i mean
you can bypass a hwid ban but its just
gonna be a bit hard
where eu
frankfurt dublin?
iam from egypt orignally
i just want the account
where are you rn
you cant do anything again
Why ?
cuz you just cant
youre in africa/ME
not EU
if i prove iam not the one who was using the account its ez
my rejoin in game is eu
yes but no
time = money
you can get riot support to unban you due to the ip address being someplace else
like i will just say that iam wasn t playing on the account and they will make sure iam the orignal owner EZ
ye rlly its ez
you can bypass the same ip by switching from Ethernet to WiFi (vice versa) or getting a VPN, which can still be proven that you are
idk why he yalls at me
bro youre like
mentally dumb
EVERYONE i nthe thread told you can just use a VPN
wtf its not my problem accally its riot problme
to change ip
what does that even mean?
and they will check my pc and iam not hardwere banned
no its not
keyboard diff
well, they can check the ip out if its a vpn or something,
also they cna check hwid cuz they apparently store that
but not only that
they can see the ping status of your game
and see if a third party software if affecting the game
ok still that means i will be unbanned because the pc who used third party softwere is not me
Well, yes and no
Like I already said you won't be unbanned
if the person who “hacked” them
Your appeal has been denied
why ?
are u riot support
and can make another ticket until a man answers me
Because your account was found to be cheating
There's no way around that
ye man but easily it wasn t me
It doesn't matter there's no evidence of that
And no that doesn't mean you need to get evidence
then what should i do ?
you cant do anything
he already told you
you said 200$ not 500
i have another account dummy
wait what
bro can we ban this kid
this is confusing as shit now
man i have 4 accounts
you never said that
so play on those
ye because i want to unban this one
hes just a worker in the down syndrome center besy i can tell you
and this one is gone for nothing ??
for you cheating yes
for nothing no
youre just stupid
and i said i didn tcheat
saying it and proving it isnt the same
iam not stupid to cheat on my pc that i have used the 4 accounts on
ok how i prove it ?
youre only telling me that "If i prove i didnt cheat i will get my account back ez"
and so did everyone
youre just like
and man it can t be it won t work like that u can t ban a one who don t deserver to
either under 10 years old or you cant comprehend easy english
i have my time i will just keep doing tickets
You need to understand.
You can NOT. get unbanned
you’re gonna waste ur time and get ticket banned
youre dumb right?
or just fooling u so u belilebr me
all youre doing is just stasting your past things
lol man i rlly just missing with u now
i give up
and i will keep trying i won t lose anything
lol i do understand ppl
i just don t have anything to lose so why giving up ?
and ty btw for trying to help me
what ?
toyer gonna get banned on riot atp
huh ?
riot clienrt
iam not sure abt that
like doing tickets isn t bannable i think
i cant
am i now the most activty post on history ?
you can t what ?
this is just a piece of proof that humanity is devolving
riot support can ban you
from tickets
no matter the reason
ok man but this account is already lost so if they do i lose nothing
u get it ?
just shut up please
close this ticket
i will just leave it
and srry for wasting ur time guys
bye bye
What the hell is going on here
no idea
gimme a sec
val is waste of time anyways use this time in any way to get money
wih that u can buy any thing u want
thanks guys for helping