question marks for server pings
My server pings are quite literally just “???” And q-ing certain servers don’t work. Is this a server wide issue or just me? I’m the only one in my stacks w “???” Pings but we can’t get into like CA games or other games. I’m normally like 7 ping of CA and like > 70 ping on every other server and I can’t load into Illinois or Georgia games at all. Not sure what’s going on!

19 Replies
did you restart val already?
Maybe the pings are so bad it doesn’t work
Yep! And computer!
Maybe??? But it makes no sense for my normal ping so im rlly hoping its like a server thing
My riot client is so broken already and to be able to only play on a couple servers tht aren’t even mine, would suck. Not to mention, at one point some servers would switch like they’d be “???” And then they wouldn’t be and so we would try to q it and i just wouldn’t load in lol. Ive been playing on an alt to try and not get perma banned but this kinda sucks LOL
(My other issue on Val being incoming comms dont work - i cant hear the audio on incoming comms and a good amount of the time, ppl’s icons dont even show up when they’re comming - team/party)
Something could be wrong inside your computer so some places don’t work
Or some files of the game could be corrupted
Still having this issue? And is your ISP frontier?
Yep still have the issue
No idea what ISP frontier is

I think it might be corrupted

it's def corrupted lmao
I will insanely and reinstall
I’ve done it before tho w the vc issue I’ve had and it’s not fixed it
reinstaleld val
it is not fixed
Who's your internet service provider? And does it just say Ping Failed for voice chat? Or are you still seeing ???s for your ping to servers in North America?
open cmd as admin and do the command
ping -t
wait 3 min then press ctrl + c on your keyboard and send me a screenshot
yes to still seeing ??? for servers in NA
im also CA servers normally
also tbh idk what internet im on bc i'm using eduoram university wifi
this issue started 4-5? days ago and i normally had like 5-7ms on CA
u mean like cmd terminal?
@nyx <3 Have you opened a support ticket about this? Also if feel comfortable DM'ing me a traceroute to could you?
okay wait my bad, i can still do this
i have not, personally ive opened up tixs b4 and i still have all the issues so i just was hesitant and wanted to seek ppl's advice firstr
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pc
did you figure this out its also happening to me
especaily with the new update