Bazzite installation ultimately fails
While installing Bazzite (Legion Go, GNOME DE, stable) as a dualboot manual install, the installer notes that it fails to create or modify partitions.
However, the UI does remember and save partition modifications and will attempt to apply them when I begin the install.
When the installer errors while creating a partition, it denotes: "Unable to Allocate Requested Partition Scheme". I'm installing Bazzite on an empty 175GB partition that is located directly after a 3.5TB Windows 11 install.
Sometimes even setting the mountpoint of my existing EFI partition will error out with that same error, it isn't a space or corrupt drive issue.
My drive is listed here - Crucial P3 Plus 4TB
When I begin the install, the install fails for an "unknown reason" and I am forced to reboot my device.
Crucial P3 Plus 4TB PCIe Gen4 3D NAND NVMe M.2 SSD, up to 5000MB/s ...
Valuable Gen4 performance is here. Introducing the Crucial P3 Plus Gen4 NVMe SSD, delivering impressive speed with sequential reads/writes up to 5000/4200MB/s. Including dynamic write acceleration and adaptive thermal protection to keep your data safe while enhancing system reliability, the P3 Pl...
69 Replies
did you follow this guide for installing on the same drive?
Universal Blue
Bazzite Dual Booting Guide
Be careful! Follow this guide at your own discretion because this can break your system or cause data loss. Make sure to read the Installation Guide before proceeding for important prerequisites and system requirements. Two Methods Installing the other operating system(s) on a separate drive (recommended) Manual partitioning on the same...
fedora atomic is a bit more of a pain to dual boot on compared to other linux operating systems
also includes a video guide specifically for the legion go
Yes, I am specifically following this guide. Within this guide are the steps that are failing for me.
Also is relevant to note that I deleted an existing Linux Mint install by just deleting the partition that contained it. I think the EFI entry still exists
did you ever figure this out?
No, this is the only place where I've asked for help.
On my end, there's not much I can really change to allieviate the error aside from this, which I doubt is related at all
That's ok it will go away next time you update the bios
Or you can use a command to delete it
I heard legion go does not support 2280 drives that well due to power limits. Probably unrelated
Had no issues with my drive being written to for 12 hours straight as well aa heavy use, including installing other OSes
I wonder if the installer just happens to have an issue with my drive being 4TB lol
Any updates or suggestions?
Huh, I updated the ISO and everything works now
Or at least, it's deploying without bitching to me about not being able to find or write to a device
Er, was, but this error is different

Getting the same issue here today!
Im not what's causing this, but a workaround is to use the regular Fedora Kinoite (KDE) or Fedora Silverblue (GNOME) and rebase to bazzite
our github readme & image picker has the commands
What SSD are you using?
unfortunately this was not true
this also was unfortunately not true, Silverblue failed to install in the same manner
Gonna try to manually remove my old EFI entry
Yeah did this work đź‘Ť
I gave up, I'm using the extra space for Windows now. If you want me to test anything out in the future in this thread, let me know.
Got some more information and it may be related to the USB stick used to flash the installation iso onto
It affects more than just Bazzite
well thats a relief actually
even though you might have to buy a new flash drive
it isn't a definitive answer
it simply might be related
Also may be related to Windows flashing the software to the drive and adding files to the drive during the flash, causing drive indexing and other drive management features to fail during install
I actually ended up testing the media before flashing for once, and no matter what ISO or USB stick I use, it fails verification at 4.8% like it says in the Reddit post
So right now, I'm actually placing the blame on Windows for now and will be trying to flash the drive using a live install of any Linux distro
I flashed the drive with Linux instead and got all the way to installation, but it failed here:
Fedora Discussion
Cannot install Silverblue 30: "failed to write boot loader configur...
Silverblue doesn’t need to use btrfs for rollbacks, it has ostree for that… But otherwise, yes it’s a known bug. It’s possible it might work with btrfs for /home, but I haven’t tested it.
Might not be related to Bazzite specifically, but
I was able to use an SSD that doesn't have a copy of Windows on it to install Bazzite. It seems, to get it dualbooted on my Windows SSD, I'll need to manually copy over the partitions and fix the EFI entries.
The installer still refuses to change any partitions when using the manual partitioning method.
Could I get any assistance with this? I should be able to simply clone the partitions over to the empty space of my Windows SSD, no?
there's a dual boot guide on the installation guide
dual booting on fedora atomic desktop is different
than a traditonal linux setup
oh i already forgot everything a month ago
Believe and trust, I have tried every method to use the dualboot guide, the installer just cannot modify the drive, no matter which ISO, which build of Bazzite, no matter which USB version my USB supports, etc
So I'm just going to use another OS to write the partitions to where they need to be
Got the dualboot to "work" after cloning the partitions over!!
Well it doesn't actually boot, but the EFI entry is there. The system is stuck in emergency mode and cannot start, but that should be fixable with the steps here
How to fix "can not open access to console the root account is locked"
How to fix "can not open access to console the root account is locked" -
Any updates on this? I'm having the same issues with the same drive. I think the issue is the 4tb SSD. I tried to install Fedora and had the same issue.
You guys should try installing with all other SSD drives disconnected from your computer.
That way (your UEFI BIOS / The installer) won't mark the first
it finds as the "currect" one...but
there's no such thing as a gaming handheld with multiple SSD slots
random question
are you also unable to update windows to 23h2
I'm not sure I'll test it and let you know. I'm using the ROG Ally, but the same drive.
What happens when you try to update windows?
Maybe unrelated to this issue entirely, but would be funny if you had a similar symptom
Also, this is important to note ig
SystemRescue thinks my primary BCT is corrupted
But booting into other OSes like Linux Mint's live USB environment show my BCTs as valid
🤔 (What is that abreviation spelled full out)Boot configuration table
Anyway, I ran Boot Repair on a Linux Live USB and the result is here, gonna report if I can boot into Bazzite now
Nope, still in emergency mode
Anyway, I ran a fix for that and no longer have the GPT error in SystemRescue so that can be ignored entirely
Same thing, but with a working install of Bazzite on a standalone disk Seems interesting to me (non-working drive)
I got it to work!
I saw that vfat partition error, then manually copied over the fat32 (efi) partition via a Linux Live USB (not Minitool via Windows)
Bazzite boots normally without issue.
1. Installed Bazzite to a standalone SSD with no other partitions on it
2. Copied over all partitions directly via a Linux live USB, and explicitly not via tools within Windows like minitool (copying over the FAT32 EFI/boot partition in this manner is critical)
3. Profit
I'm getting the same error on both Bazzite and Silverblue
Does the installer require a specific size for the EFI partition?
Like, does it have to be exactly 300MiB? or can I use my existing 512MiB partition :think:
I think I know the issue, Fedora doesn't like my EFI partition for some reason so if you reformat the partition, the installation can continue
Don't use the same partition
Because depending on your bios you could have issues
Might be your issue, but a new EFI was used throughout this entire thread.
The installation error definitely is software related in regards to the installer partitioning the existing drive, but isn't related to Bazzite itself
Actually, though, at this point, Bazzite would have been theoretically fully installed and bootable once I fixed the boot sector record for the new EFI
So for new users that run into this issue, they might just have to flash Bazzite onto a USB stick using specifically Linux, install Bazzite like normal until it complains about not being able to write the EFI partition, reflash that USB with a live USB, then fix the partition sector record by deleting and remaking the EFI partition within the live USB
I see
unrelated but whoever changed the server icon should be ashamed
(Issue resolved)
Having a similar issue, followed the dual boot video made by Cyber Dopamine. Have a 4tb ssd Nextorage Japan installed in Legion Go. Used resize-c to assign 1tb free for bazzite. Even made sure to disable autoplay in Windows when flashing KDE Bazzite using Etcher. When trying to add a EFI System Partition In the "Free Space" and make mount point: /boot/efi I get the following errors.

I shrunk my Windows partition 176.3GB and kept my Bazzite partitions in-place, but now I'm getting this same issue and can no longer boot into the OS
Windows strikes once again.
it turned out it intially wasn't related to windows at all
but this new issue is extremely annoying
At this point I'm just doing data recovery and ether wiping my installation and starting anew or going to Chimera which doesn't include the ostree frustrations
though conveniently my home directory is inaccessible

Gonna actually make a new thread for this I think
how big is your EFI partition?
Are you asking about the issue from March?
sorry did not log read
oh someone already mentioned efi partitions so I am indeed not helpful here
If you're looking for the solution, it's here
I already had that problem so that's why I chimed in, the problem was that my 150mb efi partition was too small, and the solution was to just delete it and let the installer remake it but bigger
I know this an old thread but bringing it back up
Facing the same issue at the moment

whats the hardware?
did you disable windows fast boot and disable bitwarden in windows?
actually windows fast boot wouldnt probably cause that
I disable bitwarden I’m not sure fast boot is disable. That would stop me?
Oh ok
are you dual booting?
yeah honestly ill see for myself soon, my ally x is arriving tomorrow supposedly
I’m attempting to dual boot using Russ video guide but maybe I should read the written guide instead.
try manual partitioning instead of automatic
Universal Blue
Dual Boot Preliminary Setup and Post-Setup Guide
Two Methods: Method A or Method B A) Installing Bazzite on a separate drive (Recommended) B) Manual partitioning on the same drive A) Separate Drive Method Note: This method is ideal for desktops and HTPCs, and would be inconvenient for handhelds unless planned to keep stationary. Install Bazzite on a separate internal or external drive. ...
manual partitioning is better anyways, since you'll create a separate EFI partition
oh wait, i see someone else tried manual partitioning and it didn't work. Hrmmm
I was able to figure out my issue the partition never actually was created because my numbering was smaller than i thought it was. i also did a fresh install of windows.