
Rules for crouching while shooting with Vandal and Phantom like i mostly use vandal and i auto crouch in short range 1v1s and i mostly dont in long range anything else i should do or fix?
4 Replies
Arii13mo ago
Crouch spraying is very situational, it’s not something you should be implementing in most of your gunfights like you say you are. If it’s becoming an issue to where you can’t stop crouching in the engagements then try unbinding crouch before you play deathmatch so you get used to aiming without it and then you can manually re-implement it when you feel it becomes necessary again in your real games.
saint13mo ago
i dont recommend unbinding crouch ( i mean it depends on a person ) but i think just spamming deathmatches and force urself not to crouch no matter what ( make it ur goal ) is way better it will force u to think and after some time u wont have any problem with crouching too much because it would be a habbit
TurboGlitchOP13mo ago
oh ok tysm
Arii13mo ago
If you have to manually stop thinking to crouch you will not build muscle memory which is why I recommend unbinding crouch, it’s only for deathmatches as well so it’s not like it’s gonna cost any games.

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