When I use a URL action, the payload I

When I use a URL action, the payload I get is a bunch of metadata about the answer it's attached to. If I want the data in that answer is the proper approach to call the "POST /api/rest/2.0/metadata/answer/data"? Is that how you guys would do it?
2 Replies
Nirmay11mo ago
@Michael what TS version are you on ? Data should be part of custom action payload along with the metadata, at least for callback custom actions it is in embedAnswerData.data, for URL action in payload it should be in embedAnswerData.
MichaelOP11mo ago
9.10.0.CL Is embedAnswerData a root attribute or do I have to dig to get there? I get a ton of metadata but I don't see any actual data. { typename: Answer, clientState: {}, cohortConfig: null, description: , displayMode: TABLE_MODE, filterGroups: [
{} ], formulas: [], hashKey: 14917415141729349244, headlineVisibilityMap: [
{} ], id: 29bf6253-9808-4d57-bb44-c108a5c483f3, inScopeParameters: [], metadata: {
typename: AnswerMetadata, author: michael, authorId: e698af0c-1cd3-4e25-9ddf-33eebbfed6a4, createdAt: 1709668594796, generationNum: 26305, isDiscoverable: true, isHidden: true, modifiedAt: 1709673460909, tags: [], type: }, name: Account Contacts, parameters: [], pathAnalysisConfig: null, permission: { __typename: ObjectPermission, dataSourceAccessLevel: MODIFY, dataSourceNamesWithNoAccess: [], objectAccessLevel: MODIFY }, phrases: [
{} ], queryableDataSource: RDBMS_SNOWFLAKE, selectedColumns: [
{} ], sortInfo: [
{} ], sources: [
{} ], suggestedDisplayMode: TABLE_MODE, visualizations: [
{} ] } Here are the root attributes I'm getting I'll try the callback and see what I find it's in the callback version docs say it should be in url though

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