Webflow creates empty records on CSV import /Imported Item 1, Imported Item 2, Imported Item 3, etc/

So i have my own data in the CSV which imports fine, but then Webflow randomly decides to create additional rows, with empty data and this template for a name "Imported Item X" and i cant understand why and how it does it. Is it something in my data that triggers the behavior or is it a bug on Webflow's side? Has anyone experienced this issue and know how can i solve it? Thanks in advance!
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6 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae13mo ago
Hey @Toydestroyer ! I'm not sure here. Can you share the CSV? I'd recommend sending an email to Webflow support too, they tend to be pretty savvy on issues like this and usually get back to me within 24 hours.
ToydestroyerOP13mo ago
This is the read only link to the site https://preview.webflow.com/preview/bclima?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=bclima&preview=46cb51f20cb630d19a70393143133d71&workflow=preview And this is the last CSV, that it triggered it. It happened in the span of a few days with different times with different files and i wasn't able to identify any dependency to the files or anything...
ToydestroyerOP13mo ago
I have also summitted a ticket to their support. I hope they are going to be able to help me. In the meantime i found this thread on the Forum, and the person has the same issue, but the only reply suggests something, that i think the OP has already done in his CSV file and still has the issue appearing. @Web Bae Do you think you can have a look and tell me what you think? https://discourse.webflow.com/t/cms-importing-default-item-name/264511
Forum | Webflow
CMS Importing default item Name
I am trying to import a CSV data into my webflow CMS. The import works, but for some reason the first mapped Name field does not import the values, but instead creates generic name like ‘imported item 1’. This also is affecting the slug that is generated, so the slug is not customized but rather some generic text. all of my cms items have name ...
AtomicZBRA13mo ago
Hey @Toydestroyer this is happening because when you export your csv from whatever tool (excel or sheets), you're including empty rows at the bottom of your file
ToydestroyerOP12mo ago
Hey Patrick, Sorry for the late reply, i stopped checking this thread, but i got the same reply from Webflow support. It turned out that those empty rows were created, because i was selecting a part of my sheet in excel, in order to format it as text. If then some of the selection was not populated with data, it was still getting imported into the csv, but as empty.
AtomicZBRA12mo ago
I'm not sure what you mean that you need the empty rows to format it as text, I opened the csv you sent in excel, deleted the empty rows at the bottom of the file, saved back as a csv, and uploaded to webflow. From there I was getting the correct amount of items, 18

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