How to play always good?
i always play like this bruh its always i topfrag one game , the next game im botfrag and the next game im topfrag again how can i consistently play like good ,good good instead of bad ,good , bad, good?

51 Replies
Bro is struggling in bronze lobby:val_KEKW: :val_KekwSob:
could you give any tips to improve?
Improve your aim
Improve your game sense
Your positioning
Get better:val_KEKW:
Also your saying your playing bad good bad good it happens to everyone even tenz he bottom frag sometime top frag
what you do is you might play really good one game and not the other
what you do is you cant play the same as you did the game that you topfragged in
There is no real tips that can be given based off this, in order to see what you are doing wrong there has to be a vod.
Try to use a lower sense like 0.4 and 800 and its mostly just game sense
Because every match isnt the same
So you need to adapt to the enemies
Instead of just running it down
idk im the same
i play in 0.269 sensistitivetiy
im not sure about dpi
Thats kinda low for reyna no?
U might be on 1200 or 1600
So it evens out
2400 i think
Damn thats kinda high then
Okay lol
it doesnt feel very high
Well its cuz ur used to it
oh maybe
Do you usually hit headshots
A lot
is that a bad thing
Or is it mostly body shots
i play high sensititvey
Not really
Just depends on if u hit headshots or mostly body
ye i can do head shots
Usually i see people with high sens just body shot and crouch lol
but i get head shotted just as i swing
Try to wait like half a second when u use reyna eye
And try to place the eye at the floor or high in the air
yah i do this
cuz if i placed it normally it blocck my view of the enemis
Okay thats good
Theres not really anything we can tell you
Without seeing your gameplay ig
First, I wanna break down some stuff that I actually think makes sense, If you wanna play "GOOD". You need to figure it out your self, because these paid academys are literally teaching you how to gain control over your self and stay calm all the time. They don't teach you how to be TenZ, If you learn how to be calm and control your self, You get to focus and reach whatever result you can get out of your self. That does not need any "Paid" academys to learn it. You can learn it yourself.
Conclusion: Asking people and Watching youtube videos to play better will not help you. No self control = Help-less
Don't take me wrong, I'm not here to hate or tell you to f*ck off or something
This is based on complete personal experience :ThumbsUpCat:
make a warmup routine
Yeah and warming your aim can help as well, But the main factor is you need to have self control If you want that Range and Deathmatch aim In casuals / Ranked.
for ex: 1 dm and if your not warmed up by then do 1 more and if you still feel like your not do a tdm.
i just play ranked wihtout warmup and theres a 50/50 chance that i play good or bad
You should do in practice the cross hair for the routine. Pretty small dot with red color. It will make you get more focus on the aim and you will be better at aiming. Do some aim labs for fun like grid shot 2x2 or 3x3, spidershot, microshot.
If ur team have bad comms try to change server
Even if the for example London or France have 55 or 60 ping it's fine. I play on this ping out of my region
In London thry have some good comms
But not aleays
Play some different champs if you playing only one try sentinels or initiator a some good line ups
I play sg because there's skins in the sg servers every time
its all different for everyone you know
you play with different people, some bad, some good
so it cant really be all consistent unless you're someone like tenz that's too good, even for radiant players
I usually do solo queue so
Try Duo/Trio/5 Stacks these are usually more efficient then solo queue :)
Me with 80/20
80 percent chances that i will play good
Skins does not matter in comp
but but skins = wins right?
temporary motivation
then its gone
makes you feel cool
and thats why you rock 40kills in a single game 💀
then its gone
@bread first fk the duelist u use
Use any logical agent which will help you rank up
Kay o is good for new
nah use cyph
Yeah no.
Cypher is useless without setups
So learn it lmao
Get game sense lol