Worker Subrequests 429 [Regional]

Note: The following issue ONLY affects requests coming from the Chicago timezone, so it likely a localized issue. Furthermore, to be clear, this is NOT an issue with hitting the worker subrequest limit. There are well under 50 requests occurring within the worker. We're on the Standard model anyways, so our limit is 1000 requests. We are finding that our worker intermittently receives 429s for subrequests. The request to the worker itself is fine, however within the worker code, the fetch requests that it makes to interact with other services, such as analytics (Amplitude) and database (Planetscale) result in 429s. Any idea what could be causing this?
2 Replies
kian13mo ago
If you're receiving the 429 from an upstream service then this doesn't sound like an issue with your Worker. If the services are rate-limiting based on just source IP, it can cause this.
justjumperOP12mo ago
Hey this issue has just cropped up again. We can confirm it's not from an upstream service. It seems that any request we make from the worker gives 429 Again, this only occurs in US/Chicago region Even requesting a basic site like google

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