VALORANT•13mo ago

game completely bugged

every enemy headshots me before i even see them?? fix?? im silver 1
28 Replies
me•13mo ago
is it when you swing an angle they just shoot you instantly?
yeahOP•13mo ago
swing or be swung i die in both events so it doesn't matter i legit do not what to do I'll just go back to iron
me•13mo ago
At some point, it's less down to just taking raw duels, and only swinging when you know it's safe. So after flashing or leering or blinding or (stun's pretty bad, but) stunning the line.
yeahOP•13mo ago
but i blind then swing and nobody there : (
Naktux•13mo ago
L do the iron strategy go in without blinding and start shooting your ass off until they're all dead or you are dead
me•13mo ago
Then you need to do something with that space. Either occupy it, or work with your team to narrow down where enemies can be.
yeahOP•13mo ago
ill try like hearts of iron?
Naktux•13mo ago
nah jit that game long dead
yeahOP•13mo ago
alright no i actually get a general idea from this like ima just get a 5 stack so we can have good utility usage I'm not lacking that much i was hardstuck bronze but then sum flipped and i went to s1 but now im struggling again
Naktux•13mo ago
attack: :Brim_GigaChad: defence: 💀💀💀😭😭😭
me•13mo ago
haven't played that game, but in valorant at some point you'll need to spend utility to take space. It shouldn't be silver tho. But when you reach that point, you need to flash, or stun, or leer, or something to swing an angle, and then do something to keep that space. eventually you'll know where the enemies can be, and where you can move freely as a team.
yeahOP•13mo ago
i prefer defense most of time actually cause chamber and sage main
me•13mo ago
but where ur at, maybe try swinging angles from further away from the corner. If you swing while right up against a wall, they'll see you way before you see them.
Naktux•13mo ago
other team 5 stacks other site
me•13mo ago
and btw, as sage or chamber, the play is not to swing angles. as chamber, asking ask your team to use their utility to help you get onto angles first (or just get onto them first; for example you can be on C-long angle in haven first on defense 100% of the time) as sage tho, don't swing angles. use some other technique to get info and stall on contact. just don't wide side swing because you'll get one tapped.
yeahOP•13mo ago
push at this rank is shit, everyone stays in main because they are scared to push and duelists lurk 80% of the time, they can buy enough time
finix•13mo ago
yeahOP•13mo ago
Fair enough, thanks, also i got out of bronze by hard carrying as reyna or yoru on bind, but now that people are roughly my skill level again i only play reyna sometimes skill diff
finix•13mo ago
if you have any other acc try playing with that to see if its a bug or not i dont think so it is
yeahOP•13mo ago
good idea
me•13mo ago
if ur style is to just rush in, reyna's type of agent (duelist) is the play tho. you can keep using them, but try picking one who can make it even safer to swing like that. for example, phoenix's flashes are very fast. if you flash an angle in silver, you'll either swing full blind enemies or no one if no one was there.
f 1
f 1•13mo ago
@me hi can you help me ?
yeahOP•13mo ago
you think i should try phoenix then? i actually perform really well on sage, although im rather aggressive i still get value and top frag often but im not aggressive enough to entry that quickly either
me•13mo ago
oh if you want to be an agro sage, try deadlock. everyone hates her, but this is precisely what she's designed to do (be a very active version of sage).
yeahOP•13mo ago
no way, sage wall best ability in the game. bronze grim here 90% of frags through usage of wall
me•13mo ago
i mean; if you're play is to play grim walls all the time, you'll be stuck in whatever rank forever. the crap thing about his walls is that you waste her util, and it depends on enemies sorta playing properly. they need to run into ur setup.
yeahOP•13mo ago
depends on what wall it is but yeah, i kinda realized that maybe being hardstuck in bronze wasn't my team's fault and allat so yeah i think I'll just have to switch to reyna, phoenix or chamber perhaps because that's how i ranked up so might as well keep playing like that
Jidat•13mo ago
Ngl Looks like a skill issue

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