tpm problem
I have a problem with TPM and I...
I don't know how to open the BIOS on a Fujitsu laptop

40 Replies
Press win+r on ur keyboard and type msinfo32 and show a photo of the app that opens
Press win+r on ur keyboard and type tpm.msc and show a photo of the app that opens


Ur laptop doesn't support TPM 2.0
There was another way, they said that Valorrent does not support 2.0, but I forgot what is the way to know if you are sending me a site, they have the right to have a problem.
There is no possible way for u to turn TPM 2.0 on
We can just bypass the tpm requirement
Scroll down in this and send a screenshot
They said on the site to turn off something vps, but I don't know if they wrote something alternative to tpm

Yep they were right on the site
Open cmd as admin
And type this command
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
And show the result
Send me a website, sorry for a few seconds
Do as i say
I want a website where I want to see the coordination of my rights in the Arabic language
Just write the command man
Or just copy paste it
Its not that deep
Environment variable hypervisorlaunchtype off not defined
Show screenshot

U didn't run it as admin
Close cmd and run it as admin

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
U didn't type the bcdedit
Just copy paste this
Its not that hard

Ok now restart ur pc
Thank you, the game is opened
Who marked this as solved..
my friend tried this
it aint working

do you have any idea why
Cuz thats a different error
would ya know how to fix it
Just enable tpm
if you cant
no i cant update tpm
like you have tpm 1.2?
Make ur own post
This is alrdy closed