python or c#
i want learning for the next year python to create maybe my own ai and a chat's social network but is python better for backend or c# same question for the front end (desktop app)
5 Replies
python is better for AI due to how easy its to get going with it and the amount of libraries out there by now
c# doesn't have that many options or easy accessibility
with that said its totally possible to do all of what u want in c#
so its a matter of preference imo
you have to assess your self what will be better for you in the future learning c# or python
or both
if u plan on just using AI API's however that would be a different story then creating your own AI as the workload on top of creating your own AI is completely different then just accessing the most known AI APIs out there like openai
C# is wonderful for backend and frontend development. You have UI frameworks like Avalonia for cross platform desktop development. Or Blazor for web app development.
There's also ML.NET for AI stuff, but I don't know how good that is.
But python is simply more popular for AI, thus you'll find more resources and help in the field for this language
I suppose you could use both
Create a python ai API and a .net desktop app
Sounds reasonable to me
you should obviously learn haskell
1. C# offers full stack support, so you can write front end (Blazor), back end, desktop, mobile etc. 2. Python is never a "better" option performance wise if you know how slow Python code runs in general. 3. AI/ML models/web services are language neutral, so on C# side you can use ML.NET and Semantic Kernel to build your own AI/Copilot easily (and Microsoft uses them in its products). Python just don't have much success stories at that scale to offer, though everybody talks cheaply about it.
If you want your Copilot today in C#,
ML.NET doesn't have nearly as much(not even 1/10) of what you have available in python
and its not easy to get up and running either
Most data scientists go to python because its attractive on how easy you can do data with it, you have panda and a bunch of other things that are very simple to get up and running and mock things, while in c# you need more knowledge and not everything is as simple to hack slash and get up and running.
That's why I believe the main reason python stays on the cutting edge of AI