Van:Restrioction you cant play bcz ur account does not meet teh minimal requeiments
secure boot
397 Replies
Press win+r on ur keyboard and type msinfo32
Send a photo of the app that opens
A 4k quality screenshot indeed
Hm its gonna be tough ig
click on the photo for better quality
Nope it doesn't give better quality
no u can see clear
U using a snipetool?
Or whatevr the fuck they are called
Who the hell has a thirteenth gen processor but is on legacy
This guy
Imagine they on mbr
bro stop making joke on me
Right on the windows icon on the bottom left of ur desktop then click disk management and send an ss
Also that is an i3 13th gen i think
What were u thinking smh
its i5
Right click on disk 0 then properties then volumes and send a ss
my brother come
I can't see properly in that :val_CatBigStare:
i am on 2k moniter
Doesn't matter
Just send the ss
wait we do letter my brother came
who the hell set up your computer
Who the hell makes the D drive primary
And who the hell would do that
How do u know
He said what?
We will talk to him personally
@jidat yeo
now i am free
its mbr ik we have to set it to gpt
tell me next
its mbr
Yeah, tell
There is a 10% chance ur windows will be cooked
it hink ur watching tutorial how to fix it =;-;
what? dym
Do u have a usb drive?
Just in case
usb drive
A pendrive
Lets try it still
If its cooked let it be
Open cmd as admin
Nope, he reads my documentation
I’m very good at writing
my window is on legacy mode i have to set to ufpi smth and then we can on secure boot but without it i set it to secure boot but when i check si its showing unsporrted mf
U need to make it UEFI to enable secure boot. But to make it UEFI u need to make ur windows gpt first
Cuz if u switch it to uefi when ur windows is in mbr, it will be cooked
Open cmd as admin and type the following command
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
And show result
brh i did it like 100 times before its not valid
Show the error.
its not work
It’s almost like I guessed it
i try it before
Now, if you’re so smart, tell me why it’s not working
Show the error.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4046]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
MBR2GPT: Attempting to validate disk 0
MBR2GPT: Retrieving layout of disk
MBR2GPT: Validating layout, disk sector size is: 512 bytes
Disk layout validation failed for disk 0
see not valid
Open cmd as admin
tell me other way
And type these commands
i opend:
list disk
And show result
@jidat remember when I told you why it wouldn’t work
C:\Windows\system32>disk part
'disk' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Yea ik sensei
There’s no space in between disk and part
Microsoft DiskPart version 10.0.19041.3636
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: DESKTOP-PGUUOG1
Can u just fucking show a screenshot
i am lazy ;-;
Then show result
List disk
bro i typed dick
U want one or sum?
no 🙂
Show the result
DISKPART> list disk
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---
Disk 0 Online 953 GB 0 B
Sel disk 0
list part
Show result
DISKPART> list part
Partition ### Type Size Offset
------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partition 1 Primary 50 MB 1024 KB
Partition 2 Primary 487 GB 51 MB
Partition 3 Recovery 508 MB 487 GB
Partition 4 Primary 465 GB 488 GB
U will need to delete 1 partition :val_CatBigStare:
its risky?
which one
f u
Not rly
my pc is going to die ;-;
If u remove the correct partition
Open my pc
And show a screenshot
You should check in here first
I checked alrdy
Windows will automatically detect why it’s there
To make sure it isn’t the boot file
I just feel comfortable looking at these lol
since theyre all in used
ughm it would be a no
but u can disable the recovery partition
u need to run reagentc /disable first
i have 4 so if i delete 1 and remaining is 3
so u can safely delete the recovery(winre partition
Don't delete the recovery one lol
Before doing what mythea said
Cuz i have no idea what he said
why u guys spam this cat
Its only me rly
where are ufrom
if u wonder

Mythea take this one :val_CatBigStare:
guys stop watching tutorials
and tell me
U rly think we are watching tutorials?
maybe :V
ok guys tell me what nesxtttttttttttttttttttttttttt
do detail disk
in diskpart
If u don't want to disable or delete the recovery partition then take evrything out of ur D drive cuz it will be formatted
type detail disk
DISKPART> detail disk
Disk ID: 24A94870
Type : NVMe
Status : Online
Path : 0
Target : 0
LUN ID : 0
Location Path : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0600)#PCI(0000)#NVME(P00T00L00)
Current Read-only State : No
Read-only : No
Boot Disk : Yes
Pagefile Disk : Yes
Hibernation File Disk : No
Crashdump Disk : Yes
Clustered Disk : No
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 System Rese NTFS Partition 50 MB Healthy System
Volume 1 C NTFS Partition 487 GB Healthy Boot
Volume 2 D NTFS Partition 465 GB Healthy
Volume 3 NTFS Partition 508 MB Healthy Hidden
D is ur primary partition eh
idk what u guys syaing :val_CatBigStare:
Imma go watch anime
Mythea will help u
both are in use
u can see
their usage is almost about half
Yea i can see that
@Dumb have u renamed ur partitions?
run cmd as admin
i run
reagentc /disable
already running
reagentc /info
its safe or harm
show output
i dont have a dedicated partition for winre tho
idc tbh
i have windows isos always ready
exit diskpart
type exit
or run another cmd window
as admin
show output
cant u read
1. u typed incorrectly
2. u are still in diskpart
done i typed
bolcked by mods
whats blocked
modreate block the text
dont act like ur name, ok
operaiton succels full i guewss
u can send screenshots
bro i am lazy
it will be copied to ur clipboard
so juist
and send
how easy is that
type reagentc /info
open disk management
show me
delete the 508mb partition
its harm my pc or safe
ohk then wait for my brother to sleep
tell me next after that
Why do u get off when ur brother comes
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
after u deleted it
Type 2 if u need help
reagentc /enable
reagentc /info
why enable now?
hk i get it
after deleting particion
whats inside 508 mb disk
and u should see the 508mb partition leaving unallocated
mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos
i cant see ;-;
maybe becuz u havent even delete it yet?
hey when clikc on 508 disk its showing help
right click
i right click
its only showing help
What color is the disk showing?
show reagentc /info
C:\Windows\system32>reagentc /info
Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset configuration
Windows RE status: Disabled
Windows RE location:
Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Recovery image location:
Recovery image index: 0
Custom image location:
Custom image index: 0
Operation Successful.
before operation
did u run it just now
or u showed me previous result
i run right know
ur pc
ok tell me if i have to reinstall the windwos 10 again so how can i set the ufi mode
@mythea hey wehn i open valorant its showing val:5
why u went straight to open the game
but ok
no more van restrictions?
i am getting i offed vgc so it showing i on it and now restioction showing again :val_CatBigStare:
idk what u thinking
but ok
now go delete the 508mb partition
idk what u laughing tho tbh
13400f is more than enough for daily usage
Ig its just that he is running legacy on an 13th gen processor
for average users
yeah why whats wrong with asus
ik the asus armory crate malware
but u can disable it
the guy who installed his system didnt convert the disk to gpt
@mythea he if a reinstall the game will it fix the issue?
u can
mythea add me i ss u
but u can just convert
add mee
yr disk to gpt an
it's the same
what are u saying
discord sucks so much on mobile
just addd
@mythea add me
just send me dm
i want to sss
add me
@Dumb I got the samme issue can someone help?
The CHad
Can Someone help?
same issue
tpm 2.0 one?
its secure boot
u used hacks?
why would i hack lokl
I am getting tpm 2.0 and secure boot
so u have to on it from bios
my pc doesnt support tpm 2.0 that is the problem
so u cant play 🙂
but i just played yesterday
same i also played
now its showing this
my window is on legacy mod
how can i delete itttt its showing help only no delete vloumeee
when i click on d then it show delete volume and other feathers
then what is this
u said u don't know how to screenshot
i take it from snip tool
use that
but when i click on snip tool then then i cant show u
use the shortcut
bcz when i right click on disk it will show when i click on other it wont show
what short cut
something like windows key+alt+s
search it on google
oh wait yes
it can't be overrided if it was used for winre
list disk
sel disk ()
list part
sel part ()
:\Windows\system32>list disk
'list' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ok telll me if i reinstall the gmae will it solve my brople?
clearly not ur first time
and u still can't do it
what i cant do
no, the restrictions are on ur account
it will stay
i select disk 0
tell fast
@mythea bro tellllllllllll
ok if i change account will it solve?
what hold @Talonted Gamer
I clearly said
what u said
now what
brh i did before
show outputs
DISKPART> list part
Partition ### Type Size Offset
------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partition 1 Primary 50 MB 1024 KB
Partition 2 Primary 487 GB 51 MB
Partition 3 Recovery 508 MB 487 GB
Partition 4 Primary 465 GB 488 GB
u didn't select part
usaid select disk 0
now sel part 3
sel disk and sel part
is clearly different
if u have an eye
tell now what
delete part override
this is cmd?
show output
now its showing unalocated
in disk management
run cmd as admin
mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos
loveeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuu
now its say suscefull completed
now what?
just to make sure
C:\Windows\system32>mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos
MBR2GPT: Attempting to validate disk 0
MBR2GPT: Retrieving layout of disk
MBR2GPT: Validating layout, disk sector size is: 512 bytes
MBR2GPT: Validation completed successfully
but it still showing mbr
mbr2gpt /convert /allowfullos
C:\Windows\system32>mbr2gpt /convert /allowfullos
MBR2GPT will now attempt to convert the default book disk.
If conversion is successful the disk can only be booted in GPT mode.
These changes cannot be undone!
MBR2GPT: Attempting to convert disk 0
MBR2GPT: Retrieving layout of disk
MBR2GPT: Validating layout, disk sector size is: 512 bytes
MBR2GPT: Trying to shrink the OS partition
Cannot find room for the EFI system partition.
MBR2GPT: Conversion failed
sad life
getting this error :<

go open ur own post ffs
his pc doesnt support tpm ;-;
@mythea pls solve my prob then go to him
bro he helping him
partion failed
@mythea bro solve my prob i have to go out side
my brother will come
list disk
sel disk 0
create part efi
tbh idk if it let u
it gives me a paragrap of words
maybe show output?
no one knows what are u talking about
u didn't type correctly
wait lemme try agian
MSR and EFI partitions are only supported on GPT disks.
Convert the selected disk to GPT and try again.
ah yeah u cant
go to disk management
shrink like 300 mb space
from ur c drive
what dym
maybe right click
try it and see
the vloume u have selected to shirnk
may be corrupted
use chkdsk
lol wow
to fix corruption problem
go cmd
chkdsk C: /f /r
C:\Windows\system32>chkdsk C: /f /r
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Cannot lock current drive.
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be
checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
it restart?
no, it won't restart automatically
after u enter y
i typed
then restart
it says when u restartr ur pc it automatically doen
or smth
now i restart?
ok wait
leme restart
now whatt
i restart its syas
press any key to skip the disk checking i didnt press and it come two times and it start
i mean computer starte
did it say
something repaired or recovered successfully
I didn't type all my shit yet
be patient
I'm on mobile
for fuck sake
ok now what i do
now u in windows?
try to shrink it now
its still showing the error
like before
alkos this
press any key to skip disk checking comes before
did u even let the chkdsk run
u skipped it?
no i didnt do any thing
it count 10 sec and stoped and it comes again and count 10 sec and my windwos open
are u sure it's 10s to skip
or execute
10s and it automatically skiped
i didnt touch any key
this disk checking also comes before this shit error of valorant starts
but when i try to shirk my d disk it work
run the chkdsk command again
same thing
Zolce Source
The volume you have selected to shrink may be corrupted. | Can't Sh...
Hey Guys, I'm Here To Show You How to Fix this Error - The volume you have selected to shrink may be corrupted. Use Chkdsk to fix the corruption problem, and then try to shrink the volume again.
Make sure to do another check if you don't get any errors in the first check.
Connect -
Instagram - ht...
then restart
and don't press any key
yhey it only sya chkdsk
no /f /r
that's the fucking arguments
and u always need them
ok i am restarting
to skip the c drive scan press any key within 10 sec i didnt press any key
it will say
then it showing scanning and repairing drive c and that
it repeate
to skip the c drive scan press any key within 10 sec i didnt press any key
then it showing scanning and repairing drive c and that
ah yeah that one
just leave it
wait for some time
it didnt show succecfully
what what?
wait for some time
basically wait
for what time and why
stop acting like ur name
whyi have to wiat
this is not a stupid question
just boom ur pc
so u don't have to wait
did the process end
are u in windows rn
which proccess
yeaaaaaaaaaaa fucking
i always in window
disk repair
chkdsk c: /scan
C:\Windows\system32>chkdsk c: /scan
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
784128 file records processed.
File verification completed.
Phase duration (File record verification): 6.03 seconds.
13818 large file records processed.
Phase duration (Orphan file record recovery): 0.00 milliseconds.
0 bad file records processed.
Phase duration (Bad file record checking): 0.23 milliseconds.
Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ...
1051 reparse records processed.
Found a bad index "$I30" in directory "\Users\iamab\AppData\Local\VortxEngine\app-2.3.60\Signal-x64\Components <0xd,0x2c1f3>"
was not able to send command for self-healing due to lack of memory
it hasn't end yet
can u wait
i write click
idk why u are that impatient
m32>was not able to send command for self-healing due to lack of memory
its saying thiss
jut fucking wait
it to end
press enter on that terminal window
let it finish first
bro its not doing anythinggg it stoped
bcuz u highlighted texts
press enter
what the fuck are u doing
ok its doneee
i did it again
so what's the output now
Windows has found problems that must be fixed offline.
Please run "chkdsk /spotfix" to fix the issues.
is this usefull?
chkdsk c: /spotfix
i did now i have to restart 🙂
then restart
twice again
tf it sitll saying courupted fileee
in explorer
right click c drive
error checking
run it
bro litterly i give u that video it mens u use tuteroira;?
I don't follow yt videos
and ur pc smh just refuses to actually repair them
twice again
@mythea bro help
@mythea bro u get tierd?
@mythea ok tell me if i make another account will it solve my problme?
we have to turn legacy bios to ufie right
so we can on secureboot
U need to make ur windows scheme into GPT to do that
Or it might brick ur system
whats htis
Just google it
ok how i can set it to gpt
i have to run it in cmd
What were u doing until now then?
i did
but methea says shrink the c drive
now its showing the error only
Imma be honest, idk how to do that
U will need to ask mythea when he comes back online
yo, im having the same issue
i figured out a bunch off stuff from looking things up and my shit is on MBR, BIOS is on legacy but it wasnt before. i downloaded google play games beta on my pc and it changed my settings
like virtualized security is on
i tried going in my boot menu to switch it back to UEFI but its jus not working
TPM isnt enabled anymore either
ive no clue what to do to actually fix it
U need to switch it to gpt
@sour meth u fixed ur problem?
i wouldnt be here if i did
how can i swicth
to gpt
U got an error trying to switch it
And idrk how to fix that one
alright, i watched a vid abt it and in the vid the mans switched also his bios to uefi
but he was on windows 11
im on windows 10, does that matter?
It doesn't
ill try that
But i would still recommend not to follow yt tutorial
@sour meth same problem
it needs to the hard drive val is on or my os?
cuz ive got 2
its a vid i found on the val website itself
i havent found any other vids
I don't think there is a thing like that
Send me the video
Convert MBR to GPT without loss DATA | Windows 11/10
How to convert MBR to GPT without loss data on Windows 10/11
Brother Printer with Duplex Printing
Help me 600K Sub
#netvn #windows10 #windows11
Yea thats good, but remember u must only have 3 or less partitions
how do i check that again?
Search disk management in windows search and open ig
in volumes again?
also which drive, the one with my OS on it?
How many partitions does it show?
Or just send a screenshot

Yea u should be able to do it
"door systeem gereserveerd" means reserved by system
Make sure u type disk 1 instead of 0 there btw
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:1 /allowFullOS
Like this
should be a space before the command right?
Doesn't matter
Just do it without the space

doesnt seem to work
do i need my bios to be on UEFI after all?
To enable secure boot yes
see thats the thing
i just cant get it to work
ive looked up a lot of guides for my specific motherboard
and they all boil down to disabling CSM
but if i do that my pc just doesnt start up and loops into the boot menu
Also why is there only 20 gbs free in ur c drive
Make it atleast 30-35 or more
valorant isnt on there
its on my hdd
So what?
Its ur windows partition
idrk what to remove
It should always have 30-35 gbs free
cuz idk whats in there that matters or what doesnt
Well thats for u to see
U can ask some of the other guys here for help
They should be here in like uhhh
6 hours
Or 5 even
Make ur own ticket and wait for them
thanks for the help
bro how vanguard help
run this error checking tool

for ur c drive
@mythea i runn but it showing reparing adn scanning c drive()...
but the messgae after this not show
like file fixing 100% completed
can u shrink ur c drive now